
Practices, Change and Persistence in Sustainable Food Consumption

Veranstalter:in : artec Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit
Ort : online (Zoom)
Beginn : 29. Juni 2022, 12:15 Uhr
Ende : 29. Juni 2022, 13:00 Uhr

Wir laden herzlich ein zu einem Online-Vortrag von Prof. Mari Niva (Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), University of Helsinki). Der Vortrag ist Teil des artec-Kolloquiums im Sommersemester 2022.

Practices, Change and Persistence in Sustainable Food Consumption
Prof. Mari Niva
Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), University of Helsinki

Food production and consumption are major contributors to climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. In recent years, there has been increasing debate about the need for a sustainability transition in the whole food system. In the realm of food consumption, it is well-established that in Western affluent countries diets should change to include more plant-based and less animal-based foods. Accustomed patterns and practices of eating are increasingly being questioned in public discourse, policies are developed to encourage consumers to eat in more sustainable ways, and plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy products are entering and establishing their position on the market. However, established routines, patterns and practices do not change easily, and the transition is slow and involves a range of tensions.

In this presentation, I will examine these tensions from a practice-theoretical perspective, looking into how everyday activities take shape as part of social practices and related understandings and meanings, material infrastructures, routinized and normalized modes of action, as well as ethical, affective and other commitments and engagements. I will present findings from recent studies highlighting both changes and persistence in practices of food and eating, discuss how these vary in different social groups, and reflect on how such variations may be taken into account in practice-theoretical analyses on food, eating, and sustainability.

Das Kolloquium beginnt um 12:15 Uhr und dauert ca. eine Stunde. Den Link zur Videokonferenz (Zoom) finden Sie hier: https://uni-bremen.zoom.us/j/97681432503?pwd=d3JGUmc1bFg3M096UTQwdHBFVGNOZz09

Als Forschungswerkstatt stellt das Kolloquium des artec Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit in diesem Sommersemester Projekte in den Mittelpunkt, die am artec bearbeitet werden. Ergänzt werden diese um Gastvorträge externer Wissenschaftler:innen.

Das Kolloquium richtet sich an Wissenschaftler:innen, Studierende und Interessierte aller Fachbereiche. Das Programm des Kolloquiums mit weiteren Vorträgen finden Sie hier.