
Discovering and Analysing Personal Potential: What Path Do I Really Want? (1 CP)

Beginn: 26. August 2025, 14:00 Uhr
Ende: 27. August 2025, 18:30 Uhr



  • focussing on different areas of life
  • Formulate professional and personal goals
  • Utilising findings from brain research
  • Supporting your own creative potential
  • Shaping decision-making processes

What are my individual strengths and skills and in which working environment can I utilise them optimally? What ideas do I have about life and how do these fit in with my goals?

Convictions about what makes sense in curiculum vitae, what is "in demand" and concerns about the future can sometimes block us from recognising and using our own potential. If we are enthusiastic about what we do, we will be able to perform well in the long term.

This seminar gives you the opportunity to look at your own goals and how to realise them. Psychological models can help us to better understand and utilise our own motivation. In addition, findings from brain research can be put to practical use in order to clarify decisions and optimise the use of one's own energy.

How it works: The special thing about this compact seminar is that participants work directly and individually on their specific situations, questions and ideas. The small group size allows us to respond flexibly to the individual participants. The questions of personal goals and professional orientation while at the same time balancing one's own abilities and needs take centre stage.

Different methods from supervision and coaching (transactional analytical and systemic approach) are used as required.

The online format also includes phases of plenary, individual and partner work, as well as generous breaks. Experience from the last semester has shown that creative, committed and clarifying processes as well as a pleasant group cohesion are also possible here.

Registrations for August run from 22 May to Thursday, 17 July 2025 via (course search / search in the course catalog / interdisciplinary study programs / Career Center under: Self-Organisation & Soft Skills).
As soon as the registration process is closed, you will receive an e-mail from us with the access data!


Students and Graduates


Anna Maria Lucas -

Date & Location

Tuesday, 26. and Wednesday, 27 August 2025 from 14:00 to 18:30