

Sam Nujoma mit Jürgen Timm

Obituary: Sam Nujoma

He was Namibia's first democratically elected president: Dr. Sam Shafishuna Nujoma died on February 8 at the age of 95. He had been an honorary senator of the University of Bremen since 1996.

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New Space for Innovation: Opening of #MOIN Working Space in Bremen

Space for creative exchange and innovation: The research and transfer initiative “#MOIN – Model Region Industrial Mathematics” of the University of Bremen officially opened its new co-working space in the Digital Hub Industry facilities on Tuesday, February 11.

Practical nursing lessons

Nursing Degree Career Day: Retaining Our Region’s Highly-Skilled Professionals

What prospects does Bremen offer after studying nursing? This is the focus of the Career Day for University-Qualified Nurses. APOLLON University for Healthcare Management, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, and the University of Bremen will provide information about career paths.

Bild eines Hauses in Blumenthal, davor eine Wiese mit Bauzäunen

SalusTransform: Collaborative Project Evaluates Urban Development Measures

How do urban development measures affect health, social justice, and ecological sustainability? Researchers are now investigating this in the SalusTransform collaborative project, which is being coordinated by the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research at the University of Bremen.

Two Children

Bremen Kids’ University: From Researchers for Kids for More than 20 Years

The University of Bremen is inviting you to the 20th Kids' University from April 1 to 10, 2025. Children between the ages of 8 and 12 can take part and together with scientists, they can discover exciting research areas.

Zwei Frauen sitzen auf Stühlen auf einem Rasen und unterhalten sich. Im Hintergrund ist eine weitere Personengruppe zu sehen.

“Lehramtsstudium International”: Third Project Phase Begins

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is supporting the "Lehramtsstudium International" project for a further five years from 2025. The project aims to make internationality, in conjunction with inclusion and diversity, a quality feature of teacher training.

State and University Library Opens Juridicum at New Location Forum at Domshof

The time has come: The State and University Library's law branch, the Juridicum, has moved to its new location. After extensive renovation work, the SuUB has opened its new premises in the Forum at Domshof building.

Arndt Wonka vor einem Bücherregal

New Research Project: Effects of EU Action to Promote Democracy and the Rule of Law

A new research project at the University of Bremen is investigating how EU measures to promote democracy and the rule of law in EU member states are debated along party lines and how these debates affect the respective political opinions of citizens.

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We Welcome Professor Konrad H. Stopsack to the Faculty of Human and Health Sciences

Konrad H. Stopsack has been a professor of epidemiological methods and etiological research within the Faculty of Human and Health Sciences at the University of Bremen since the 2024/2025 winter semester.

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We Welcome Martin Mundt to the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science

Martin Mundt has been a professor of lifelong machine learning within the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science at the University of Bremen since January 2025.

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Visitors from Paris: Sorbonne Choir and Orchestra perform at the Glocke

After the brilliant joint concert in Paris, the Sorbonne Choir and Orchestra are now coming to Bremen. At 5 p.m. on Sunday, February 2, the joint end-of-semester concert with the University of Bremen Choir and Orchestra will take place at Bremen's Glocke concert hall.

Stolpersteine (stumbling stones) on the street

Day of Remembrance: University of Bremen Commemorates Victims of National Socialism

On the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism, the University of Bremen is hosting a lecture by social and economic historian Jörn Lindner. On January 27, 2025, he will speak about the use of forced laborers at the Bremen shipyards during the Second World War.

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Language Learning in Winter

The Language Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen is offering various opportunities for intensive language learning in February and March 2025. The program includes intensive courses for beginners and advanced learners, educational leave offers, and opportunities for autonomous learning.

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Millions in Funding for Space and Port Research

The Bremen Senate approved an EU ERDF grant of 3.7 million euros with which the Center for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) will build a Mars laboratory. 2.8 million euros will be made available for the optimization of processes in Bremen’s ports.

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Major European Project Investigates Methane Emissions

A new major European project to study methane emissions started in January. The Institute for Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen is a participating partner. The European joint project IM4CA is funded by the EU Horizon program and aims to develop more accurate measurement methods.

Ankündigungsplakat für den Global Game Jam

Creating New Games in 48 Hours

The Digital Media Lab at the University of Bremen is hosting the Global Game Jam from January 24 to 26, 2025. Anyone interested in creating a computer or board game in 48 hours can join. Participation is free of charge.

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Academic Achievement and Civic Participation – Deutschlandstipendium Scholarships Awarded

Not only do they stand out for their excellent academic achievements, they also participate in and contribute to society: 119 students have been awarded Deutschlandstipendium scholarships. The scholarship includes financial support as well as a multifaceted accompanying program.

Julienne Stroeve

We Welcome Professor Julienne Stroeve to the Faculty of Physics/ Electrical Engineering

Julienne Stroeve has been a Professor of Polar Observation and Modeling in the Faculty of Physics / Electrical Engineering since the 24/25 winter semester as part of a cooperation professorship with the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI).

Ehrung Eyring

Professor Veronika Eyring Receives 2024 AGU Ambassador Award

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) has named Veronika Eyring – a professor of climate modeling at the University of Bremen and a scientist at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) – as the recipient of the AGU Ambassador Award.

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DAAD Prize for Jody Danard

The French doctoral candidate Jody Danard has been awarded this year's DAAD Prize for her outstanding academic achievements and her special social commitment. The award comes with prize money of 1,000 euros.


14. Feb
KI-Systeme in der Lehrpraxis – Was ist möglich? Wie funktioniert das? Wie machen wir das richtig?
10:00 11:30
14. Feb
“Das Leben trotz allem lieben”: Tagebuch über eine Reise nach Odesa
EuropaPunkt Bremen
17:00 Open End
16. Feb
City46, Birkenstraße 1, Bremen
18:00 Open End
17. Feb
Aus den Akten auf die Bühne - Der Kampf um Entschädigung - Jüdische Menschen aus Bremen in Südamerika
Theater am Leibnizplatz
19:30 22:00
20. Feb
KI Coffee Lecture: Semantic Scholar
12:00 12:30
26.28. Feb
Materials Science Core Facility Synergy Forum 2025
Haus der Wissenschaft, Sandstr. 4/5, 28195 Bremen
09:00 14:00
26. Feb
Info-Veranstaltung zum Übergang vom Bachelor (Lehramt) in den Master of Education
11:00 13:00
26. Feb
"OER-Beratung an der Uni Bremen" am 26. Februar von 12:00 – 12:30 Uhr
12:00 12:30
27. Feb
Russia’s War in Ukraine. Ukrainische Wissenschaftler*innen beschreiben den Krieg
19:00 21:00
27. Feb
NS-Überlebende in der Ukraine heute – Wie es Ihnen geht und was wir für sie tun können
Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Birkenstr. 20/21
19:00 21:00
28. Feb
KI-basierte Text- und Bildgeneratoren: Rechtliche Implikationen für die OER-Produktion
10:00 11:30
05. Mar
Vorstellung JupyterHub an der Universität Bremen
14:00 14:30
06. Mar
Workshop Lehrer*in werden?!
Universität Bremen
15:00 17:30
11. Mar
Die Hochschulen im Lande Bremen stellen sich vor
16:00 18:00
14. Mar
Wie können wir im Kontext von KI besser zusammenarbeiten (und warum ist das wichtig)?
10:00 11:30
16.21. Mar
10. Internationale Tagung über die Entwicklung der Arktis-Ränder (ICAM-X)
Department of Geosciences, University of Bremen, Klagenfurter Straße 2-4, Bremen
All day
24. Mar
Aus den Akten auf die Bühne - "Ich wollte mein Recht"... Über 40 Jahre lang staatenlos - Die Ausbürgerung der Bremerin Wilma Szwajka
Theater am Leibnizplatz
19:30 22:00
28. Mar
HanDSDay 11 (Hanseatic Dynamical Systems Day)
Universität Bremen, MZH, Raum 5600
13:25 Open End
08. Apr
Vorstellung JupyterHub an der Universität Bremen
10:00 10:30
28. Apr
Info-Veranstaltung: Lehramt studieren an der Uni Bremen
15:30 17:00
08. May
Die Hochschulen im Lande Bremen stellen sich vor
16:00 18:00
14. May
Info-Veranstaltung: Lehramt studieren an der Uni Bremen
Universität Bremen
08:30 09:15
14. May
Info-Tag für Studieninteressierte
Campus der Uni Bremen
08:30 16:00
22.23. May
DEBT. Unsettling Matters of Difference
All day
17.18. Jun
Messe in Halle 6, Bremen
08:30 15:00
25. Jun
Studienplatzbewerbung an der Uni Bremen
15:00 17:00
01. Jul
Info-Veranstaltung: Lehramt studieren an der Uni Bremen
15:00 16:30
09. Jul
Studienplatzbewerbung an der Uni Bremen
15:00 17:00
10.12. Sep
Women in Automorphic Forms 2025
Universität Bremen, MZH 5500/5600
All day
23.24. Oct
20 Jahre in die Zukunft: Was ist unsere Vision von Medien, Daten und Gesellschaft?
Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen
All day
27. Jan
Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus
GW 1 Hörsaal
16:00 18:00
All Events


Studierende laufen am MZH entlang und unterhalten sich

Studying at the University of Bremen

Whether it be the compact campus, the diverse study programs on offer, or the green cycling city – a degree at the University of Bremen has a lot to offer.

You can choose from a broad range of degree program at the University of Bremen:

  • more than 100 bachelor’s and master’s degree programs
  • the state examination in law
  • international degree courses and further training offers


The University of Bremen is one of Germany’s medium-sized universities. In its mission statement, the university prioritizes:

Academic Consultation

Visit the following points of contact for information on studying:

Applying to Study

We provide comprehensive and detailed information on applications and enrollment for the following areas:

All about Research

Test tubes with different coloured liquids.

High Level of Third-Party Funding

A great strength of the University of Bremen is its considerable success in the acquisition of third-party funds, both in individual as well as in collaborative research. The German Research Foundation (DFG) is the largest provider of third-party finance: Besides the MARUM Cluster of Excellence, the University of Bremen is currently involved in no less than seven Collaborative Research Centers, as well as a number of research groups and priority programs.

Zwei Personen bei der gemeinsamen Arbeit im Labor.

Strategic Promotion of Talent

The targeted promotion of young talent, unlocking potential, and early independence are among the guiding principles of the University of Bremen. We offer intensive support to young academics in six DFG research training groups, numerous junior research groups and also through doctoral programs offered in cooperation with non-university research institutions.

Zwei Lehrende arbeiten vor Zuhörern an einem Flipchart.

Lifelong Learning

The University of Bremen is a place of lifelong learning. With our offers of continuing education we enable you to acquire knowledge of cutting-edge research. Discover the wide range of our offers and benefit from the unique combination of practice-oriented learning and innovation.

Facets of the University of Bremen


The diversity of our students and staff is both a framework as well as a prerequisite for high quality in research and teaching. As a cross-sectional priority and central profiling feature, we take account of diversity in our teaching and learning formats, in the structure of degree programs, and in the content of research and teaching. Moreover, diversity orientation and equal opportunity also guide us in the composition of teams and the design of counseling.   


Internationality is a strategic profiling objective of the University of Bremen. In keeping with our self-image as an international university, we see internationalization as a process that extends into all areas of the university – whether research, studies or administration. People from more than 100 nations enrich campus life. We are networked worldwide. In close cooperation with our partners, we work on the advancement of knowledge and finding solutions to global challenges.


The University of Bremen has been committed to sustainable development for years. Numerous projects and measures exist in the areas of research, teaching, operations, governance, and transfer, supporting the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations. Among them are the outstanding EMAS environmental management program, the university’s promotion of social sustainability as well as several research institutions with a focus on sustainability

Have you Heard of...?

There is a lot to be discovered on campus. What’s behind all those doors? up2date. online magazine knocks on some of them to find out. Welcome to a slightly different tour of the campus.

The facade of the university's guest house.

Have You Heard of... the University of Bremen’s Guesthouse?

At university, there is much to discover beyond the Horn-Lehe campus. The University of Bremen has a hidden gem downtown – Teerhof 58 – Guesthouse of the University of Bremen.

Dirk Dietzel stands behind a counter and looks into the camera through a plexiglass pane.

Have You Heard of ... The Lost and Found Office?

If you misplace something on campus, you just might have luck in your misfortune. Found items can be turned in to the University of Bremen’s Lost and Found Office. This is the central point of contact for anyone who has lost something on campus.

  • Go to page: aaq Akkreditierung
  • Go to page: Gütesiegel des Deutschen Hochschulverbands
  • Go to page: EMAS Zertifizierung für geprüftes Umweltmanagement
  • Go to page: Zertifikat audit familiengerechte hochschule
  • Go to page: Audit „Internationalisierung der Hochschulen“ der HRK
  • Go to page: Logo Audit "Vielfalt gestalten" des Stifterverbandes
  • Go to page: CHE Ranking
  • Go to page: Siegel Gründungsradar des Stifterverbandes
  • Go to page: Logo of the HR Excellence in Research Award