Prof. Dr. Leonie Tuitjer

Junior professorship "Human Geography with a Focus on Socio-ecological Transformation" at the Faculty of Social Sciences
Research projects
- Infrastructures in the context of socio-ecological transformations
- Sustainable consumption
- Geographic research on climate change opinions
- Climate change and displacement
Tuitjer, L. (2018) (Dissertation): Sensing the Waterscape: Re-Assembling the Politics of Climate Change and Displacement in Bangkok, Thailand. Durham University (UK). Online:
Müller, A.-L. & Tuitjer, L. (2023). Editorial: Infrastructures and migration. Geographica Helvetica, 78 (4), 559–565.
Journal articles with peer review (SSCI-/SCI-listed journals & others)
Mewes, L., Tuitjer, L. & Dirksmeier, P. (2024). Exploring the variances of climate change opinions in Germany at a fine-grained local scale. Nature Communications 15, 1867.
Tuitjer, L., Müller, A.-L. & Tuitjer, G. (2023): Social Infrastructures in Times of Corona: Exploring the Ambiguities of Sociality, Practices, and Materiality. Space and Culture, 0(0).
Tuitjer, L. & Schaefer, K.J. (2023) Immobility and COVID-19: comparing mobility reduction among socio-demographic groups in a large German city during the pandemic. Transportation.
Dirksmeier, P., Nolte, K, Mewes, L. & Tuitjer, L. (2023): The role of climate change awareness for trust in institutions in sub-Saharan Africa. Environmental Research Letters, 18, 094043. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/acf0d6
Lütkes, L., Tuitjer, L. & Dirksmeier, P. (2023). Sailing to save the planet? Media-produced narratives of Greta Thunberg’s trip to the UN Climate Summit in German print newspapers. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10, Article No 242.
Tuitjer, L. (2023). Unruly waters: exploring the embodied dimension of flood risk through materiality, affect and emotions in Bangkok, Thailand. Geographica Helvetica (Special Issue: Affect und Emotionen in Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen), 78, 281–290.
Müller, A.-L. & Tuitjer, L. (2023). Intra-urbane und inter-urbane Vergleiche als Methode Reflexionen zu ihrem Potenzial anhand der Fallstudien Bangkok und Göteborg.Geographische Zeitschrift. 111(4), 218-243.
Tuitjer, L., Tuitjer, G. & Müller, A.-L. (2023). Buycotting to save the neighbourhood? exploring the altered meaning of social infrastructures of consumption during the Covid-19 crisis in Linden, Hannover, Germany. Social & Cultural Geography, 24:3-4, 640-660, DOI:
Dirksmeier, P. & Tuitjer, L. (2022): Do trust and renewable energy use enhance perceived climate change efficacy in Europe? Environment, Development and Sustainability.
Tuitjer, L., Dirksmeier, P. & Mewes, L. (2022): Geographies of climate change opinion. Geography Compass 16(5), e12619.
Tuitjer, L. & Dirksmeier, P. (2021): Social media use and perceived climate change efficacy: a European comparison. Digital Geography and Society. 2, e100018.
Schäfer, K., Tuitjer, L.&Levin-Keitel, M. (2021): Transport disrupted - studying substitution effects of Hanover’s public transport under COVID-19. Transportation Research Part A (Policy and Practice). Online first:
Batréau, Q. & Tuitjer, L. (2021): Finding Shelter in New Places - Exploring the Growing Diversity of Refugee Populations in Middle Income Countries. Journal of Refugee Studies. feaa129.
Tuitjer, L. (2021): Exploring urban verticality during the 2011 flood in Bangkok, Thailand. Area 53(2), pp. 336-344.
Tuitjer, L. & Müller, A.-L. (2021): Re-thinking urban infrastructures as spaces for learning. Geography Compass. 15(1), e12552.
Tuitjer, L. (2019): Bangkok flooded: re(assembling) disaster mobility. Mobilities, 14(5), pp. 648-664.
Tuitjer, L. & Batréau, Q. (2019): Urban refugees in a “non-convention” city: Assembling Refugee Agency in Bangkok, Thailand. City –analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 23(1), pp. 1-16.
Tuitjer, L. (2019): From Boats to Bikes? Assembling contestations along the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok, Thailand. Projections, Vol. 14. Online:
Book chapters
Tuitjer, G., Tuitjer, L. & Müller, A.-L. (2024). Rupturing the mundane in times of crisis: New geographies of food in Hannover, Germany. In: Bohn, K. & Tomkins, M. (eds).: Urban Food Mapping. Making Visible the Edible City. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 120-127. ISBN: 9781032402819
Müller, A.-L. & Tuitjer, L. (2022): Re-vitalising discourses of solidarity: Governing populations in times of uncertainty and crisis. In: M. Hellmann; T. Kettunen; S. Salmivaara; J. Stoneham (eds.): Social Control Policies: Governing Human Lives and Health in Times of Pandemics. Routledge: New York & London.
Tuitjer, L.(2020): Assembling climate change related displacement. In: Adey, P., Bowstead, J., Brickell, K., Desai, V., Dolton, M., Pinkerton, A., Siddiqi, A. (Eds.), Handbook of Displacement. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 89-97.
Tuitjer, L. (2020): Chapter 22. Scapegoating Identities in the Anthropocene. In: Milstein, T. and Castro-Sotomayor, J. (ed.): Handbook of Ecocultural Identity. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 365-382. ISBN: 9781138478411
Tuitjer, L. (2019): The political affect of sound: Experiencing everyday nationalism through sound in Bangkok’s transport infrastructure. In: Doughty, K. Duffy, M. & Harada, T.: More-than-representational approaches to music. In: Cultural Geography Series, Edward-Elgar Publishing, edited by Katy Crossan, pp. 175-188.
Tuitjer, L. & Chevalier, É. (2015): L’initiative Nansen et le développement d’un agenda international de protection des populations déplacées à travers les frontiéres. In: Cournil, C. & Vlassopoullos, C. (ed.): Mobilité Humaine et Environnement –Du Global Au Local. Nature et Sociéte Series. Éditions Quae: Versailles, Cedex, pp. 141-162.
Discussion papers, conference proceedings & Essays
Tuitjer, L.& Hubner, E. (2021): #Bushfiresaustralia: Instagramming climate futures. Lo Squaderno 58, pp. 27-30. Online:
Tuitjer, L., Tuitjer, G. und Müller, A.L. (2020): „COVID-19 und das (neu) Lernen von sozialen Infrastrukturen. Ergebnisse aus einem (auto-)ethnographischen Projekt in Krisenzeiten“. In: Konferenzbeiträge COVID-19 als Zäsur? Geographische Perspektiven auf Räume, Gesellschaften und Technologien in der Pandemie. Online:
Tuitjer, L. & Batréau, Q. (2020): Urban Fears – Urban Refuge: Exploring asylum seeker’s fear in Bangkok. Lo Squaderno. 57, pp. 61-64. Online:
Tuitjer, L. (2020): Meeting power with ethics? Exploring the multiple dimensions of positionality within a postcolonial setting. Sentio Journal -An interdisciplinary social science journal. Volume 2: Theory and Practice in Research Ethics. Online:
Grote, U., Dietrich, J., Ibendorf, J., Werthmann, C., Gabbert, W., Liefner, I., Nolte, K., Onken, H., Schlurmann, T., Schmieder, U., Tuitjer, L., Weichgrebe, D. (2019): Migration und räumliche Transformation. Theoretische Ansätze, empirische Erkenntnisse, interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Leibniz Forschungszentrum TRUST. TRUST-Schriftenreihe. Diskussionspapier Nr. 1/2019. Hannover. 74 S. DOI: 10.15488/5212
Tuitjer, L. (2019): Forschen im Globalen Süden: Forschungsethik als transformative Kraft., Forschungsberichte der ARL: Räumliche Transformation: Prozesse, Konzepte, Forschungsdesigns, 10, pp. 117-129.
Tuitjer, L. (2018): Floods, animals and shared urban futures? Metropolitiques. Online:
Tuitjer, L. (2016): Literature Review: Michele Lancione (ed.) Rethinking Life at the Margins: Assembling Context. Society and Space, Online:
since April 2023
Junior Professor at artec with a focus on socio-ecological transformation
Postdoc at the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography (Leibniz University, Hannover)
PhD in Human Geography (Durham University, UK); Research Fellow stay at Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)
MA in Research Methods in Human Geography (Durham University, UK)
MA Erasmus Mundus: Global Studies from a European Perspective; Semesters at Roskilde University (Denmark), Macquarie University (Australia) and Vienna University (Austria)
BA in Political Science and English (Georg-August University, Göttingen); Exchange Semester at Pune University (India)
University of Bremen
Sustainability Research Center
Room SFG S2360
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 7
28359 Bremen
mail address:
P.O. Box 33 04 40
28334 Bremen
Phone +49 (0) 421 / 218-61843
Fax +49 (0) 421 / 218-9861843
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