Write in a Group!
Writing Spaces for Doctoral Researchers at Bremen University
Shut Up and Write! Bi-Weekly writing space for doctoral researchers

Doing your PhD means you have to sit down and write – and writing is much more fun when you’re in good company! That’s why we have established Shut Up and Write, a bi-weekly writing space for Uni Bremen PhD candidates. Our two-hour sessions offer you a relaxing, guilt-free space to finally fill those pages. Finding it hard to motivate yourself? Turn writing into a social experience – at Shut Up and Write!
Just drop in - no registration necessary. We start at ten o' clock sharp. Please set up your camera and headset.
Our writing sessions with Dr. Marie Saade will resume in January 2025.
Next Sessions:
Wednesdays, 8.01., 22.01., 05.02., 19.02., 05.03., 10:00 - 12:00.
Zoom - Link
Meeting ID: 561 601 8706
Kenncode: 696117
Writer's Help Desk
Do you need some English language writing help?
Since 2015, the SZHB has been offering English writing support at the Independent Learning Centre.
A professional writing consultant will be available to advise you for up to 20 minutes via Zoom. This service is free of charge. You have to register beforehand and send a print-out of your text (max. 2 pages) by email. Check here for the details.
Literature and Resources on Academic Writing
Turbocharge your writing today, Nature, vol. 475, 7.7.2011
Writing your Journal Article in 12 Weeks, by Wendy L. Belcher, Sage (2009)
The Craft of Research, 4th Edition - Edited by Booth et. al. (2016)
Stylish Academic Writing, by Helen Sword (2012)
English for Writing Research Papers, 2nd Edition, by Adrian Wallwork (2016)
English for Research: Usage, Style and Grammar, 2nd Edition, by Adrian Wallwork (2015)
Line by Line: How to Edit Your Own Writing, by Claire K. Cook (1985)
Linguee is a unique translation tool combining an editorial dictionary and a search engine with which you can search billions of bilingual texts for words and expressions.
www.powerthesaurus.org is a fast and comprehensive online thesaurus, which is crowdsourced, built by a community of writers for writers.
The Academic Phrasebank is a general resource for academic writers. It aims to provide you with examples of some of the phraseological ‘nuts and bolts’ of writing organized according to the main sections of a research paper or dissertation as well as the more general communicative functions of academic writing.
The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University (in Indiana, USA) is a treasure trove of materials and exercises for users worldwide that will assist with many different writing projects.