
Application Training in 3 days (1 CP)

Organizer: Career Center
Location: Online
Begin: 14.07.2025, 10:00
End: 18.07.2025, 18:00

Day 1: How to apply for jobs in Germany?
Content and Objectives: Job advertisements are only one part of the recruiting strategies of companies in Germany. On this seminar day, you will learn about different ways of applying for jobs, such as networking, initiative applications and visiting job fairs. A skills analysis and an active interview training exercise will deepen these application methods.

On this seminar day, we will also look at application documents such as CV, cover letter and the digital application process. Nowadays, companies want reflective applicants who know what skills they have. Especially in Germany, goal-oriented application documents are important. Learn in this seminar what is important in applications and optimise your CV and letter of motivation.

Preparation for the first day of the seminar: ideas and concepts for CV and cover letter.

This is on the programme:
How to apply:

  • The German job market
  • Company and job analysis
  • Networking – speculative application – job fair

Skills analysis:

  • My competencies and experience (active training)

Application documents:

  • Curriculum vitae (active training)
  • Cover letter / Letter of motivation (active training)
  • Attachments
  • Digital Recruiting – online application form

Goal: At the end of the seminar, participants should be able to prepare well-founded application
documents for applications for the German job market.

Additional work for the second seminar day: Preparation for the self-presentation in the job interview will be the task for the second seminar day. A preparatory exercise on the first day of the seminar and a script serve as the basis for the preparation.

Day 2: Successful job interviews with German organisations
Finally, you have received an invitation to a job interview. And what will happen now? What can I expect? What is important? How do I prepare myself? How do I deal with stressful questions? Where can I get information on salary?

This seminar day provides answers to these and many other questions about the job interview in the presence of and via video conferencing systems. Career coach Angela Schütte explains what is important and tries to give the participants confidence with exercises and role-play. There is enough time for individual questions.

This is on the programme:
How to prepare for the job interview

  • Company research and own list of questions
  • What is expected in the job interview

Skills analysis:

  • Self-presentation - What you should know about me (active training

Business Etiquette

  • The etiquette manual for the job interview

Questions, tests and tasks in the job interview

  • Possible tests and practices
  • Frequently asked questions – tips and active training
  • Tips for negotiating your salary

Goal: At the end of the seminar, the participants should have gained confidence in the job interview

Day 3: Working environment in Germany
The third day of the seminar is all about passing the probationary period and the world of work in Germany. The core topics are the challenges facing companies as a result of digitalisation and communication, teamwork and leadership.

This is on the programme:
How do I manage the probationary period?

  • Preparation and the first days
  • Business etiquette
  • How to master difficult situations

The working world:

  • The challenge of digitalisation
  • Communication and teamwork
  • Agile project management methods
  • Leadership

Planning your own career

Goal: You get security for entering the German work and corporate culture. If interested, the aspects addressed could then be deepened in greater depth in further seminars organised by the Career Center.

Registrations for July run from 17 April to Thursday, 19 June 2025 via (Search for events / Search in the course catalogue / Interdisciplinary courses / Career Center under: Application & Self Presentation).
As soon as the registration procedure is closed, you will receive an e-mail from us with the access data!


Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Angela Schütte M.A. -


Students and Graduates

Date & Location

Monday 14., Tuesday 15. and Friday 18. July from 10:00 to 18:00, Online.