
Is it all AI - or something?! All you need to know about Chat GPT, ATS and similar features

Organizer: Career Center
Location: Online
Begin: 17.07.2025, 14:00
End: 17.07.2025, 18:30

“Application could be so easy - if it weren’t for the cover letter and the CV . . . ” The help of AI just comes in handy!

But: can ChatGPT (and that like) really help in creating the cover letter?

ChatGPT was released in 2022, and since then AI-based chatbots and other applications have suddenly become socially acceptabl. ChatGPT can be helpful for creating some ideas for writing a cover letter, for example.

For CVs AI-supported generators are also available, useful for design and structure. Employers might use Applicant Tracking System (ATS), or parsing software to read CVs; this applicant management software makes a kind of pre-selection; the CV is often challenging for the software (some designs can be parsed well, others or badly.)

But: AI is only as good as its user - so you have to learn the right applications, make it easy for ATS to track you.

For participation: Participants should have the OpenAIapp of Chat GPT installed on their device!

Content and topics:

  • Using ChatGPT for cover letters: options and limitations
  • The answers are only as good as the questions: Focus on the prompts
  • Optional: practical test of AI-Sources - participants have to bring a job advertisement
  • AI-generated templates for CVs
  • Features of ATS
  • Tips and tricks for the ATS-friendly CV
  • Identify keywords, analyze job advertisements
  • Data Protection and Deep Learning Algorithms: Critical discourse on transparency in the web

Registrations for July run from 17 April to Thursday, 19 June 2025 via (Event Search / Search in Course Catalogue / Interdisciplinary Study Programmes / Career Center under: Media skills).
As soon as the registration process is closed, you will receive an email from us with the access data!


Students, graduates, research assistants For participation: Participants should have the OpenAIapp of Chat GPT installed on their device!


Dr. Eva Reichmann,

Date & Location

Thursday 17. July 2025 from 14:00 to 18:30, Online