go diverse
Gender and diversity competent academic employee selection
The University of Bremen aims to reduce discrimination in employee selection processes and to increase the diversity of its academic personnel. To achieve this, leadership and decision makers require knowledge and skills in questions on gender and diversity.
The project go diverse offers trainings, consultations and information to all academic and administrative staff who carry out employee selection processes at the University of Bremen.
Critical Organisation Studies (Bourabain, 2021; de Angelis & Grüning, 2020) and Critical Diversity Research (Heitzmann und Houda, 2019) consistently present evidence, that researchers face discrimination based on their gender, race, religion, ableism, class and /or age. Employment processes can structurally discriminate directly or indirectly without conscious attempt by their actors. Formal process management can unfortunately not solely resolve these discriminations by itself. All involved actors take responsibility. go diverse supports leadership roles and decision makers with the knowledge and reflexivity necessary to make the best possible diversity conscious employment decisions.
The project is implemented by the equal opportunity office in cooperation with the diversity management of the University of Bremen until October 2024.
Training Employee Selection
go diverse offers training workshops on gender and diversity competence for employee selection and appraisal processes.
The workshop on diversity conscious employment processes offers the opportunity to discuss topics related to diversity and academic employment processes, starting from the design of role job descriptions to decision making after interviews. Based on current research participants will reflect on unconscious biases and common pitfalls in decision-making processes. The workshop includes exemplary practices for each step of a typical hiring process. Participants develop competences in their task relevant self-reflection and concrete action guidelines for their area of responsibility. This workshop develops previous knowledge of participants about diversity and anti-discrimination in academia further for specialised competences in employment processes.
This offer is directed on team leaders, institutes, working groups and research alliances. The workshops are adjusted to the needs of each team.
go diverse adjusts its offers to the needs. If you have a specific program or idea in mind, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The workshops are commonly led by Dr Claire Jin Deschner of the team go diverse. Depending on the workshop topic or need, we work with freelance trainers specialising in equality and diversity.
moreLatest information
Dear interested parties,
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to facilitate in-house workshops or inputs by Dr. Claire Deschner, but we will do our best to find an external trainer for your request.
Please send your request to chancen1protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de or nele.kuhnprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de. There may be delays in responding to your request.
We ask for your understanding.
Dr Claire Deschner
E-Mail: claire.deschnerprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: (0421) 218 - 60183
Building: GW2
Room: A 4281
Anneliese Niehoff
E-Mail: anneliese.niehoffprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: (0421) 218 - 60181
Building: Unicom 2, Haus Oxford
Room: 2.1140
Nele Kuhn
E-Mail: nele.kuhnprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: (0421) 218 - 60302
Building: Unicom 2, Haus Oxford
Room: 2.1150
Consultations on employee selection processes
Job adverts have a sustainable effect on the application circle (Hentschel et al., 2020) and applicants’ self-presentation (Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes, 2018). The written contact with potential applicants presents a central moment to communicate the own diversity efforts and to increase the diversity of applicants. go d!verse consults researchers and administrators in diversity conscious design and wording of job adverts. On this page, you will find the most important tips in designing job adverts. Please also consider our A-Z for a good choice of the first project phase.
moreAbout go diverse
go diverse aims to dismantle discriminatory access barriers in employment processes. go diverse offers support on employment processes to all academic and administrative staff on all levels, from the selection of doctoral researchers, post-doc positions and appointment procedures. go diverse integrates the diversity dimensions race, ableism, class and age into the gender politics.
morego diverse 2017-19
During its first funding phase (2017-2019) the project go diverse focused on drawing attention to unconscious discrimination processes in academic employee selection. The team organised lectures, consultations, workshops and developed the “A-Z for a good choice”, to inform decision makers about unconscious and cognitive biases.
Bourabain, D. (2021). Everyday sexism and racism in the ivory tower: The experiences of early career researchers on the intersection of gender and ethnicity in the academic workplace. Gender, Work and Organization, 28(1), 248–267. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12549
de Angelis, G., & Grüning, B. (2020). Gender Inequality in Precarious Academic Work: Female Adjunct Professors in Italy. Frontiers in Sociology, 4
(87), 1–18. doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2019.00087
Heitzmann, D., & Houda, K. (2019). Rassismus an Hochschulen. Beltz Verlagsgruppe.