Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tanja Schultz
Postal address: Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5, 28359 Bremen, Deutschland On Campus: Building Cartesium, Raum 2.041 Telephone: +49 421 218-64270 Email: tanja.schultzprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Since 2015 Tanja Schultz has been a professor of "Cognitive Systems", Faculty 3 Computer Science / Mathematics at the University of Bremen. At University of Bremen she currently serves as:
- Member of the Expert Council „Gesundheit und Resilienz“ of the Federal Chancellery, since 2024
- Co-Spokesperson of the DFG Research Training Group GRK 2969 Hearaz (Speaker Andreas Hein Uni Oldenburg), since 2024
- Spokesperson of the DFG Research Unit FOR 5347 Lifespan AI (jointly with Marvin Wright), since 2022,
- Spokesperson of the Lead Project "Artificial Intelligence" der University Bremen Research Alliance UBRA (jointly with Horst Hahn and Frank Kirchner), seit 2021,
- Spokesperson of the high-profile area Minds, Media, Machines (jointly with Michael Beetz), since 2019
- Member of the Board of Directors for the DFG Research Training Group GRK 2739 KD²School (seit 2021),
- Member of Board of Directors for the Leibniz Science Campus on "Digital Public Health" (since 2019),
- Member of the Board of Directors for the CRC EASE "Everyday Activities Science and Engineering" (since 2017).
Tanja Schultz is a Fellow of the following associations:
- International Speech Communcation Association (2016),
- European Academy of Sciences and Arts (2017),
- IEEE (2020),
- Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (2021).
Tanja Schultz engages in the following conferences and events:
- 2026: Local Chair (with Frank Kirchner) of IJCAI in Bremen, Internat. Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- 2024: Co-Chair of ICSR, International Conference on Social Robotics in Shenzen
- 2023: Program Chair of ICMI, International Conference on Multimodal Interaction in Paris
- since 2016: Area Chair of Interspeech, International Conference on Speech Communication, ISCA
- since 2016: Chair of BBDC, the Bremen Big Data Challenge
Curriculum Vitae
Tanja Schultz received her doctoral and diploma degree in Informatics from University of Karlsruhe, Germany in 2000 and 1995 respectively and successfully passed the German state examination for teachers of Mathematics, Sports, and Educational Science at Heidelberg University, in 1990.
In 2000 she joined Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where she holds a position as Research Professor at the Language Technologies Institute. From 2007 to 2015 she was a Full Professor at the Department of Informatics of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany before she accepted an offer from the University of Bremen in April 2015.
Since 2007, Tanja Schultz directs the Cognitive Systems Lab, where her research activities focus on human-machine communication with a particular emphasis on multilingual speech processing and human-machine interfaces. Together with her team, she investigates the processing, recognition and interpretation of biosignals, i.e. human signals resulting from physical and mental activities, to enable human interaction with machines in a natural way.
Tanja Schultz received several awards for her work, such as the FZI award for an outstanding Ph.D. thesis (2001), the Allen Newell Medal for Research Excellence from Carnegie Mellon (2002), the ISCA best journal award for her publication on language independent acoustic modeling (2002) and on Silent Speech Interfaces (2015), the Plux Wireless award (2011) for the development of Airwriting, the Alcatel-Lucent Research Award for Technical Communication (2012), the Otto-Haxel Award (2013), a Google Research Award (2013 and 2020) as well as several best paper awards. She is the author of more than 450 articles published in books, journals, and proceedings, and is regularly invited as panelist and keynote speaker. Tanja Schultz serves as a member for numerous conference committees, as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions (2002-2004), as an Associate Editor for ACM TALLIP (since 2013), as editorial board member of Speech Communication (since 2001), and served as board member and elected president of the International Speech Communication Association ISCA from 2007-2015.
Full CV English (17 pages, pdf)
File size: 302 KBFile name: CV_Dr.TanjaSchultz.012023.pdfLast update: 28.01.2023CV Profile English (4 pages, pdf format)
File size: 178 KBFile name: CVprofile4pagesEN_TanjaSchultz_Feb2021.pdfLast update: 14.02.2021
Professional Preparation and Appointments
- Since 04/2015 Full Professur (W3), Chair for Cognitive Systems, Faculty 3 - Mathematic and Computer Science, University of Bremen
- 05/2007 – 03/2015 Full Professur (W3), Chair for Cognitive Systems, Department of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Since 06/2007 Director of the Cognitive Systems Laboratory
- 2007-2022 Adjunct Research Professor, Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
- 07/2002 – 05/2007 Research Scientist / Research Ass Professor, Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
- 01/2001 – 06/2002 Research Associate, Language Technologies Institute, Interactive Systems Lab, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
- 09/2000 – 12/2000 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Interactive Systems Laboratories, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
- 06/2000 Doctoral degree in Computer Science (Dr.-Ing.) at the University of Karlsruhe; Dissertation: Multilingual Speech Recognition – Combination of Acoustic Model for Rapid Portation to new Languages
- 1995 – 2000 Graduate Research Assistant / PhD Student at the University of Karlsruhe, Institute for Logic, Complexity and Deduction Systems
- 1990 – 1995 Diploma degree in Computer Science at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany
- 1983 – 1989 Masters in Mathematics (07/1989), Sports, Physical Education and Educational Science (11/1989) at the Ruprecht-Karl Universität Heidelberg, Germany
Current Positions und Functions
- since 2022 Spokesperson of the DFG Research Unit FOR 5347 LifespanAI
- since 2022 Board of Trustees of Deutscher Studienpreis, Körber-Stiftung
- since 2022 Evaluation commission of the Wissenschaftsrat
- since 2021 Board of Directors DFG GRK 2739 KD²School
- since 2021 Co-spokesperson lead project “Artificial Intelligence” University Bremen Alliance of Research (UBRA)
- since 2021 Board of Directors “AICenter4healthcare”, UBRA
- since 2021 Board of Trustees of the Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB)
- since 2020 Board of Trustees of the Fraunhofer Institut for Digital Media Technology (IDMT)
- since 2020 Chair of the Advisory Board of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Speech and Language Technologies, University of Sheffield, UK
- since 2019 Board of Directors, Leibniz-Science Campus on Digital Public Health
- since 2019 Spokesperson of high-profile area Minds, Media, Machines at Uni Bremen
- since 2017 Board of Directors, DFG CRC 1320 EASE
- since 2016 International Advisory Board of ISCA, International Speech Communication Association
- since 2007 Managing Director of the Cognitive Systems lab
Awards and Honors
- 2022 IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer for term 2022-2023
- 2021 AAIA Fellow (Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association)
- 2020 IEEE Fellow (Multilingual Speech Recognition and Biosignal Processing)
- 2020 Google Faculty Research Award for the project "End‐to‐End Silent Speech Conversion based on Electromyography”
- 2017 EASA Fellow (European Academy of Sciences and Arts)
- 2016 ISCA Fellow (International Association of Speech Communication
- 2013 Otto Haxel Award together with C. Amma and M. Georgi
- 2013 Google Faculty Research Award
- 2012 Research Award Technical Communication 2012 from Alcatel-Lucent Stiftung
- 2011 PLUX Wireless Biosignals Award with C. Amma and D. Gehrig
- 2005 Carnegie Mellon Language Technologies Institute Junior Faculty Chair
- 2002 Allen Newell Medal for Research Excellence, Carnegie Mellon University, with A. Waibel
- 2001 FZI Award for an outstanding dissertation
Awards for Publications
2024 Highly Cited Paper (top 1% in Engineering by WoS) in IEEE Sensors with H. Liu, S. Zhang, H. Gamboa, T. Xue and C. Zhou
2022 Best Paper Finalist SIGMAP with H. Liu and T. Xue
- 2022 Best Student Paper Finalist BIOSIGNALS (BIOSTEC) with Y. Hartmann and H. Liu
2019 Best Student Paper Award BIODEVICES (BIOSTEC) with H. Liu
2018 BCI Award 3rd place with the contribution “Brain‐to‐Speech” with C. Herff, L. Diener, E. Mugler, M. Slutzky, D. Krusienski
2015 ICSA / EURASIP Best Journal paper award Speech Communication
2015 Best Student Paper Award BIOSIGNALS with M. Georgi and C. Amma
2013 Best Student Paper Award BIOSIGNALS with M. Wand, M. Janke and C. Schulte
2013 Geographic Finalist Europe IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society with D. Heger, F. Putze und C. Herff
2012 Best Paper Award Wearable Computing, with C. Amma and M. Georgi
2010 Best Student Paper Finalist, Social Robotics with D. Heger and F. Putze
2009 Best selected Papers BIOSTEC with M. Wand
2008 Best selected Papers BIOSTEC with S-C. Jou
2006 ISCA Best Demo Award at Interspeech 2006 with S-C. Jou and A. Waibel
- 2002 ICSA Best Journal paper award Speech Communication
Supervised Dissertations (Main Advisor)
Lisa-Maria Vortmann (Dr.-Ing., University of Bremen 5/2022),<br /> Attentiony-Aware Interaction Systems for Augmented Reality. Referent:in Felix Putze und Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Mathias Benedek (University of Graz, Austria)
→ PostDoc at the Computational & Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, UC San Diego, CA, USA
Hui Liu (Dr.-Ing., University of Bremen 11/2021),
Biosignal Processing and Activity Modeling for Multimodal Human Activity Recognition. Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Hugo Filipe Silveira Gamboa (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
→ PostDoc at CSL
Miguel Angrick (Dr.-Ing., University of Bremen 9/2021),
Speech synthesis from invasive brain signals: From offline analysis to closed-loop speech decoding. Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Dean Krusienski (Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA)
→ PostDoc at Johns Hopkins Universität, Baltimore, MD, USA
Mazen Salous (Dr.-Ing., University of Bremen 6/2021),
User Modeling for Adaptation of Cognitive Systems Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Bettina von Helversen (University of Bremen)
→ Researcher at OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany
Lorenz Diener (Dr.-Ing., University of Bremen 04/2021),
The Impact of Audible Feedback on EMG-to-Speech Conversion Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Thomas Hueber (CRNS, GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France)
→ Machine Learning Scientist, Microsoft, Talinn, Estland
Ass. Professor Christian Herff (Dr.-Ing., University of Bremen 12/2016),
Speech Processes for Brain-Computer Interfaces. Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Dean J Krusienski (Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA)
→ Assistant Professor at Maastricht University
Matthias Janke, (Dr.-Ing., KIT 04/2016),
EMG-to-Speech: Direct Generation of Speech from Facial Electromyographic Signals. Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Alan W Black (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA)
→ Software Engineer Schaeffler, Herzogenaurach, Germany
Dominic Telaar (Dr.-Ing., KIT 12/2015),
Error Correction based on Error Signatures applied to automatic speech recognition. Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Walter F. Tichy (KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany)
→ Manager at Apple Inc., Cupertino CA, USA
Dominic Heger (Dr.-Ing., KIT 07/2015),
Advancing Pattern Recognition Techniques for Brain-Computer Interfaces: Optimizing Discriminability, Compactness, and Robustness, Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Rainer Stiefelhagen (KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany)
→ Team Leader at Zalando SE, Berlin, Germany
Christoph Amma (Dr.-Ing., KIT 07/2015),
Modellierung und Erkennung dreidimensionaler Handschrift mittels Inertialsensorik, Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Tamim Asfour (KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany)
→ Founder Company Kinemic GmbH
Dirk Gehrig (Dr.-Ing., KIT 06/2015),
Automatic Recognition of Concurrent and Coupled Human Motion Sequences, Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Rüdiger Dillmann (KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany)
→ Senior Software Developer, Matrix Vision GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
Professor Tim Schlippe (Dr.-Ing., KIT 12/2014),
Rapid Generation of Pronunciation Dictionaries for New Domains and Languages, Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Marelie Davel (North West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa)
→ Full Professor, IU International University of Applied Science, Germany
Felix Putze (Dr.-Ing., KIT 10/2014),
Adaptive Cognitive Interaction Systems, Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Joachim Funke (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
→ Senior Researcher "Kognitive Interaktionsstrategien" at CSL
Professor Thang Ngoc Vu (Dr.-Ing., KIT 01/2014),
Automatic Speech Recognition for Low-resource Languages and Accents Using Multilingual and Crosslingual Information, Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Etienne Barnard (North West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa)
→ Full Professor, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Ass. Professor Michael Wand (Dr.-Ing., KIT 01/2014),
Advancing Electromyographic Continuous Speech Recognition: Signal Preprocessing and Modeling, Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Koreferent: Philip Green (U Sheffield, UK)
→ Ass. Professor SUPSI and Senior Researcher at Swiss AI Lab IDSIA, Lugano, Switzerland
Udhay Nallasamy (PhD, CMU 10/2013),
Adaptation techniques to improve ASR performance on accented speakers, Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Committee: Alan W Black (CMU), Florian Metze (CMU), George Saon (IBM Watson Research Center, USA)
→ Manager und Applied Research at Apple Inc., Cupertino CA, USA
Roger Hsiao (PhD, CMU 01/2012),
Generalized Discriminative Training for Speech Recognition, Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Committee: Florian Metze (CMU), Alan W Black (CMU), Monika Woszczyna (M*Modal, Pittsburgh, PA USA)
→ Research Engineer und Manager at Apple Inc., Cupertino CA, USA
Professor Wilson (Yik-Cheung) Tam (PhD, CMU 07/2009),
Rapid Unsupervised Topic Adaptation - a Latent Semantic Approach, Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Committee: Alex Waibel (CMU), Stephan Vogel (CMU), Sanjeev P. Khudanpur (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore USA)
→ Full Professor an der NYU Shanghai
Stan (Szu-Chen) Jou (PhD, CMU 08/2008),
Automatic Speech Recognition on Vibrocervigraphic and Electromyographic Signals, Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Committee: Alex Waibel (CMU), Alan W Black (CMU), Charles Jorgensen (NASA Ames Center, CA USA)
→ Senior Engineer at Synopsys, Taipei, Taiwan
Professor Qin Jin (PhD, CMU 11/2006,
Robust Speaker Recognition, Referentin: Tanja Schultz, Alex Waibel (CMU), Committee: Alan W Black (CMU), Douglas A. Reynolds (Lincoln Labs, MIT)
→ Full Professor at Remin University of China, Beijing City, China
Co-Supervised Dissertations, External Reviewer
More than 40 dissertations as second advisor, external examiner or PhD committee member
2022 | Florian Ahrens (Uni Bremen, second advisor), Jutta Hild (KIT, second advisor) |
2021 | Konrad Gadzicki (Uni Bremen, second advisor), Joana Correia (CMU, thesis committee) |
2020 | Chenglin Xu (Nanyang Technology University, Examiner), Fabian Honecker (Bundeswehr Uni München, second advisor) |
2019 | Hakim Si Mohammed (INSA/INRIA Rennes, Examiner), Tobias de Taillez (Uni Oldenburg, second advisor), Bahman Mirheidari (Uni Sheffield, External examiner), Berthold Bäumler (Uni Bremen, committee member) |
2018 | Marina Zimmermann (EPFL, Thesis Committee) |
2017 | Daniel Nyga (University of Bremen, Thesis Committee); Florent Bocquelet (Universite Grenoble Alpes Frankreich, External Reviewer) |
2016 | Mathias Landhäußer (KIT, Co-Advisor) |
2015 | Sabine Weyand (University of Toronto Kanada, External Reviewer); Joao Miranda (Technico Lisboa - Carnegie Mellon University, Thesis Committee) |
2014 | Sven Körner (KIT, Co-Advisor); Tim Pozehl (TU Berlin, External Reviewer); Arseniy Gorin (Universite Lorraine Frankreich, External Reviewer); Thiago Fraga (Universite Paris Sud Frankreich, External Reviewer) |
2013 | Christian Bauer (KIT, Co-Advisor) |
2012 | Farzaneh Ahmadi (Nanyang Technological University Singapur, External Reviewer); Hui Liang (EPFL/IDIAP Lausanne Schweiz, External Reviewer) |
2011 | Hanno Harland (KIT, Co-Advisor); Stephan Heuer (KIT, Co-Advisor); Andreas Sandmair (KIT, Co-Advisor); Tong Rong (Nanyang Technological University Singapur, External Reviewer) |
2010 | Matthias Paulik (KIT, Co-Advisor); Kishore Prahallad (CMU, Thesis Committee); Sopheap Seng (LIG Grenoble Frankreich, External Reviewer) |
2009 | Sebastian Stüker (KIT, Co-Advisor); Rania Bayeh (l’École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications Paris, External Reviewer) |
2008 | Matthias Eck (KIT, Co-Advisor); Christian Fügen (KIT, Co-Advisor); Ales Fexa (KIT, Co-Advisor); John Kominek (CMU, Thesis Committee); Ciro Martins (Universidade de Aveiro Portugal, External Reviewer) |
2007 | Girija Chetty (University of Canberra Australia, External Reviewer); Stephen Choularton (Macquarie University Sydney Australien, External Reviewer) |
2006 | Rong Zhang (CMU, Thesis Committee) |
2005 | Fei Huang (CMU, Thesis Committee) |
2004 | Hua Yu (CMU, Co-Advisor) |
2001 | Laura Tomokyo Mayfield (CMU, Thesis Committee) |
Google Scholar of Tanja Schultz
Publications (pdf as copyright permits) on our CSL Publikationsserver
10 selected publications:
- M Angrick, M Ottenhoff, L Diener, D Ivucic, G Ivucic, S Goulis, J Saal, AJ Colon, L Wagner, DJ Krusienski, PL Kubben, T Schultz, C Herff, Real-time Synthesis of Imagined Speech Processes from Minimally Invasive Recordings of Neural Activity, Nature Communications Biology 4, 1055, 2021.
- M Barandas, D Folgado, L Fernandes, S Santos, M Abreu, P Bota, H Liu, T Schultz, H Gamboa, TSFEL: Time Series Feature Extraction Library. SoftwareX, volume 11, p. 100456, 2020.
- T Schultz, M Wand, C Herff, DJ Krusienski, T Hueber, J Brumberg, Biosignal-based Spoken Communication: A Survey. IEEE Transactions of Acoustic, Speech, and Language Processing, volume 25, pp. 2257-2271, 2017.
- C Herff, D Heger, A De Pesters, D Telaar, P Brunner, G Schalk, T Schultz (2015): Brain-to-text: Decoding spoken phrases from phone representations in the brain,Frontiers in neuroscience 9, 217.
- L Besacier, E Barnard, A Karpov, T Schultz (2014): Automatic speech recognition for under-resourced languages: A survey. Speech Communication 56, 85-100
- B Denby, T Schultz, K Honda, T Hueber, JM Gilbert, JS Brumberg (2010): Silent Speech Interfaces. Speech Communication 52 (4), 270-287, 2010 (Best Journal Paper Award, Speech Communication).
- T Schultz, M Wand (2010): Modeling coarticulation in EMG-based continuous speech recognition. Speech Communication 52 (4), 341-353, 2010.
- T Schultz, K Kirchhoff (Eds). Multilingual Speech Processing, Academic Press, Elsevier 2006.
- T Schultz (2002): GlobalPhone: A multilingual speech and text database developed at Karlsruhe University. In Proc. Interspeech 2002.
- T Schultz, A Waibel (2001): Language-independent and language-adaptive acoustic modeling for speech recognition. Speech Communication 35 (1), 31-51, 2001 (Best Journal Paper Award, Speech Communication).