Winter semester 2015/2016

  • “Research on History and Film” (Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels, Seminar)
  • “The Chilean Take on Modernity: The Development of the Welfare State, 1850-1930” (Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels, Proseminar)
  • “Pirates of the Caribbean: Pirates and the History of the Lesser Antilles” (Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels, Seminar)
  • “The Greater Antilles from 1898 until 1982” (Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels, Seminar)
  • “Between Memory and Recovery: The Moving Imageand the History of the Military Dictatorship in Argentina and Chile” (Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels, Seminar)
  • “Sound der Unterdrückung: Filmton und Diktaturen des 20. Jahrhunderts” (Dr. Rasmus Greiner, Seminar)