
Ann Hipp presents research findings at national and international conferences

Ann Hipp recently presented her research findings on the interorganizational mobility of inventors and the long-term effects of large-scale investments in regions at the DRUID conference, the GfR summer conference and the conference of the Evolutionary Committee of the Verein für Socialpolitik.

In the field of innovation economics, numerous renowned national and international conferences have taken place in recent weeks. Ann Hipp presented her research findings in the project Mod-Block-DDR at the DRUID conference in France (13-15.06.24), the 14th summer conference of the European Regional Science Association (GfR) at Leibniz Institute for Economic Research in Halle (04-05.07.24) as well as at the Evolutionary Committee of the Verein für Socialpolitik at TU Ilmenau (04-06.07.24). Her presentations dealt with the mobility of inventors since reunification as well as the reasons for the declining innovative capacity of East German regions using the example of the microelectronics industry, a joint research project with our partners from the University of Jena.

DRUID/Verein für Socialpolitik /Gesellschaft für Regionalforschung