
EAEPE Workshop “Networks” 2018 took place in Budapest

On November 15 and 16, 2018, the fourth EAEPE Workshop on “Networks” took place at the Andrássy University Budapest in Hungary. The focus theme of the 4th RA [X] workshop was: “New ways of innovation policy design and its evaluation – insights from complex adaptive systems and beyond”.

The event was organized by the working group of Martina Eckardt (Andrássy University Budapest) together with the working group of Jutta Günther from the University of Bremen and the University of Hohenheim, working group of Andreas Pyka. The interdisciplinary workshop covered a variety of topics related to networks, innovation and policy design. About 30 participants from a number of European countries participated. The papers dealt with the identification and measurement of system dynamics, system failures and implications for innovation policy from a theoretical or empirical point of view. The keynote speakers were Michael Fritsch from the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany and Dominique Foray from École Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne. Important questions that were discussed during the workshop and call for further research are, for example “What are the drivers of radical innovation?” and “How can we measure the dynamics of innovation networks?”.

The annual workshops series on “Networks” was initiated in 2015 by Muhamed Kudic (University of Bremen) and covered since then novel and highly topical research topics each year. This year’s workshop was a joint initiative of the research areas [X] ‘Networks’ and [D] ‘Innovation and Technological Change’ of the European Association of Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE). In the year 2019, the workshop will take place in Stuttgart, Germany.

AUB, Andrássy Egyetem, konferencia, előadás
Gruppenbild der Teilnehmer am EAEPE -Workshop in Budapest am 15.11.2018. Sie stehen aufgereiht im Treppenhaus des Veranstaltungsgebäudes