Ann Hipp gave a research talk about the spatial mobility of inventors from specific technological and social contexts using the example of the reunification of Germany. Her results show that inventors' embeddedness in their social context is particularly decisive for the mobility decision.
Jessica Birkholz and Philip Kerner presented a research paper co-authored with Mariia Shkolnykova and Björn Jindra, which is being worked on as part of the hyBit project. In this paper they examine the relationship between political narratives and the development of sustainable energy technologies.
Mariia Shkolnykova presented a paper on the role of FDI-related labour mobility for the innovation performance of firms in V4 countries. Her results show the positive impact of hiring employees with MNE experience on both the quantity and quality of local firms' innovations.
Since 2012, GEOINNO provides a platform for discussion to scholars interested in scientific, policy and strategic issues concerning the spatial dimension of innovation activities: