Member profile

Prof. Dr. Frauke Koppelin

: Prof. Dr. Frauke Koppelin

Phone:  +49 441 7708-3742

Professor of Health Sciences, Jade University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg

Associate member

Prof Dr Frauke Koppelin, medical sociologist, has been Professor of Health Sciences at the Jade University of Applied Sciences in Oldenburg since 2011 and has headed the Master's in Public Health there since 2013. From 2009 to 2011, she was a member of the IPP, where she represented the Chair of Social Epidemiology with a focus on gender and health.

Prof. Koppelin is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BzgA) and the State Association for Health Lower Saxony Bremen (Chair of the Advisory Board).

She is also a member of the jury for the Lower Saxony Health Prize.

She is committed to the German Society for Medical Sociology. She was a member of the board for many years and is currently a member of the extended board and spokesperson for the DGMS working group on prevention and health promotion. She also works as an expert reviewer for national and international organisations and journals.

Publications & Social Media





  • Safeguarding health in a changing world of work

  • Promoting healthy/active ageing and caring for people living alone with dementia

  • Implementation and evaluation of technology-based prevention in health promotion, particularly from a usability perspective

  • Designing target group-orientated and gender-sensitive prevention and health promotion

  • Development of evidence- and data-based care approaches in the context of the digitalisation of the healthcare system

  • Development of care concepts to protect the population of vulnerable groups in the event of a disaster

  • Supporting equal opportunities in education through new educational formats


  • Teaching and module responsibility in the BA programmes of the Department of Technology and Health for People and in the Master Public Health there


German Society for Medical Sociology (DGMS)

German Society for Public Health (DGPH) - via the Master's programme in Public Health


Research professorship of the state of Lower Saxony: Research professorship FH! - Mental health in the working society PsychGeA

Professional and academic caree

Oct 1982

Studied Social Sciences (Diploma) at the University of Hanover, Department of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences

Dec 1988

Diploma examination for social scientists at the University of Hanover, Department of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences; topic of the diploma thesis: "Sexual victimisation of girls in the family"

March 1998

Doctorate in human biology (Dr. rer. biol. hum.) with a dissertation on "Interactions between the burden of care and social support in caring wives over 60" at the Hannover Medical School

Oct 1989 -
 Sept 1994

Employment at the Department of Medical Sociology (Head: Prof. Dr J.J. Rohde) at Hannover Medical School with the following stages:


  • Research assistant in the research project "Effectiveness, need and utilisation of medical and psychosocial care facilities for women and mothers with children" from Oct. 1989 - July 1990 (BmJFFG)

  • Research assistant in the project "Effectiveness, needs and utilisation of medical and psychosocial care facilities for women and mothers with children" from Aug. 1990 - Nov. 1990 (BmJFFG)

  • Research assistant in the interdisciplinary research project (BmFuS) "The situation of women over 60 with a husband in need of care" in collaboration with the Departments of General Medicine and Medical Psychology at Hanover Medical School from Dec. 1990 - April 1993

  • Research assistant in the department from May 1993 - September 1994

Jan 1995 -
 Sept 2001

Research assistant at the University of Bremen in the following fields of work:


  • Employee in the project (C4) "Descending careers and catch-up positions: Status passages in working life with limited job duration" of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 186 ("Status Passages and Risk Passages in the Life Course"); Head: Prof. Dr. R. Müller, Centre for Social Policy, Dept. of Health Policy, Occupational and Social Medicine, from Jan. 1995 - Sept. 1996.

  • Scientific coordination and further development of the focus on health sciences/public health in Faculty 11 Human and Health Sciences; public health in the New Hanse Interregio; postgraduate programme in public health/health sciences, from Oct. 1996 - March 2000

  • Scientific coordination and conceptual development of the Centre for Public Health in Faculty 11; collaboration in the development of national and international health science training and further education modules as well as research in the field of "Women and Health", April 2000 - July 2001

  • Employee in the research project "Integration of older and health-impaired public service employees into gainful employment (Hans Böckler Foundation); Head: Prof. Dr. R. Müller, Centre for Social Policy, Department of Health Policy, Occupational and Social Medicine, April 2000 - July 2001

Aug 2001 -
 Sept 2001

Research assistant (C 1) at the University of Bremen, Centre for Social Policy in cooperation with Faculty 8 - Social Sciences -, Department of Gender Policy in the Welfare State (headed by Prof. Dr. Karin Gottschall) and the Department of Health Policy, Social and Occupational Medicine (headed by Prof. Dr. Rainer Müller); project "Flexibilisation and Gendering of Forms of Employment in the Welfare State"

Oct 2001 -
 March 2011

Professor of Health Sciences (C 2, civil servant for life) at the University of Applied Sciences Emden-Leer (since 1.09.09), Department of Social Work and Health, Head of the part-time continuing education master's programme Public Health

Oct 2009 -
 March 2011

Professor of Social Epidemiology with a focus on gender and health at Faculty 11, Human and Health Sciences at the University of Bremen

Since April 2011

Professor of Health Sciences at the Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven Oldenburg Elsfleth, Faculty of Civil Engineering Geoinformation Health Technology, Department of Technology and Health for People, Oldenburg study location


  • Since 2013 Head of the continuing education programme Master Public Health

  • since 2015 Research professorship FH! (Niedersächsisches Vorab) "Mental health in the labour society - gender roles in the focus of health in the course of employment (PsychGeA)