Project details

CARO – Care Reflection Online

Duration: 01.05.2016 - 31.07.2019
Research Team:

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck (Projektleitung);


Andreas Baumeister;


Imke Meyer, ZeMKI, Universität Bremen;


Jutta Kaliske;


Jan Küster, ZeMKI, Universität Bremen;


Patrick Jung, ZeMKI, Universität Bremen;


Dr. Claudia Schepers;


Prof. Karsten D. Wolf, Dr., ZeMKI, Universität Bremen;

Project Partner: Bildungszentrum der Bremer Heimstiftung - Schule für Altenpflege, Zweigstelle Bremen Nord, Bremer Krankenpflegeschule der freigemeinnützigen Krankenhäuser e. V., Krankenpflegeschule am Evangelischen Krankenhaus Oldenburg
Project Type: Third-party funded project
Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Europäischer Sozialfonds der Europäischen Union (ESF)



Learning using digital media is now widespread in nursing schools, and a wide range of eLearning materials are also available to schools. However, the potential of eLearning is still far from being fully utilised. For example, the teaching/learning programmes are still largely static, they are not systematically integrated into nursing lessons, but only selectively, and web-based learning has hardly been used to date, even though it would be particularly suitable for linking learning in practice and at school, for example, and supporting virtual communication within the student group.

Aim of the project

The aim of the project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Social Fund of the European Union (ESF), is to develop, implement and evaluate an innovative, computer-aided, case-based, multimedia and co-operative learning environment for nursing training at the interface between theoretical and practical/company training. In the long term, the project contributes to increasing the attractiveness of nursing training and enhancing its value. By anchoring digital learning in nursing training, the media skills of teachers and students will be improved.


Three specific case situations that are problematic in everyday nursing practice, e.g. caring for people with dementia or in pain, are filmed in different variations and sequences. They form the basis for the development of three multimedia teaching/learning modules based on nursing and media didactics, which are implemented and evaluated in the cooperating nursing schools and facilities. In terms of nursing didactics, the project is based on interactionist nursing didactics. What is new here is that the media of photography and film are used to promote hermeneutic and reflective skills.

In addition, a computer-supported, multimedia learning environment for nursing training that is customised to the needs of learners and teachers is being designed and made usable as part of a classroom management system. On the one hand, the CARO learning environment enables students to work on learning assignments independently using an app - regardless of where they are learning - and to exchange information virtually within their learning group. On the other hand, it offers teachers the opportunity to organise lessons and self-learning didactically and methodically at the workplace or at home and to adapt the modular learning content individually to the respective learning group. In this way, both learning at the nursing school and nursing facility are linked and learning-related direct and virtual interaction between the students is supported.

Other project components include advising the participating institutions on securing the necessary technical infrastructure and developing a lecturer training programme both as an online and face-to-face offering.  

Once the project is complete, the learning environment, the three CARO modules and the online tutorial for lecturers will be published as open source on a public repository. The results and findings of the project will also be incorporated into the further development of the interactionist nursing didactics model.

Nicole Duveneck, project team member (until 30/09/2017)

Nathalie Pöpel, project team member (until 30/09/2017)


Further information

The project blog can be found here.