
Kevin Helms



Building/room:  Grazer Straße 2a (GRA2A) B1130
Phone:  +49 421 218 68838

E-Mail:  helmsprotect me ?!ipp.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Kevin Helms has been a research associate at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research in the Department of Health Care Management since 2020. His research focuses on the method of wide reflective equilibrium, normative economics, and economic evaluation. Kevin Helms teaches in the fields of healthcare management and ethics of economics.

Professional career

Since 2020
Research assistant at the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research at the University of Bremen

2019 until 2020
Visiting researcher at the University of Bremen


Academic career

2015 to 2019
Studied Professional Public Decision Making (M. A.), University of Bremen

2011 to 2015
Studied Political Science and Philosophy (B.A.), University of Bremen


Courses and lectures

Case study seminars in the Management in Healthcare module
Good ways out of the climate crisis. A problem-orientated introduction to the ethics of economics


Final papers

Preferred topics for the supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses are questions of business ethics with a focus on the deliberative equilibrium. Other topics in the field of normative economics and healthcare management are possible by arrangement. Students can submit their own research questions or request a list of suggested topics.