Prof. Dr. Wolf Rogowski

Building/room: Grazer Straße 2a (GRA2A) B1090
Phone: +49 421 218 68835
Prof. Dr. Wolf Rogowski is Head of the Department of Healthcare Management at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research. His research focuses on the economics and ethics of health and the climate crisis.
The Bachelor Public Health and Master Public Health - Health Care, Economics and Management programmes offer courses such as Management in Health Care, Health, Social and Eco-Entrepreneurship and a focus on the economics and ethics of planetary health.
Professional career
since 2016
Professor of Management and Organisational Development in Healthcare, Head of the Department of Management in Healthcare, Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen
2009 to 2016
Head of the working group "Translational Health Economics", Institute of Health Economics and Health Care Management, Helmholtz Zentrum München
April to June 2009
Visiting scholar at the Harvard Programme in Ethics & Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA
October to November 2008
Visiting scholar at the Hastings Center for Bioethics and Public Policy, The Hastings Center Garrison, New York, USA
May to October 2007
Visiting researcher at TEEHTA, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, England
2004 to 2009
Research Associate, Institute for Health Economics and Health Care Management, Helmholtz Zentrum München
2002 to 2003
Project controlling and risk management in a former VC-financed biotech company, Xantos Biomedicine AG, Martinsried
Academic career
2011 - 2013
Medical Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich
Habilitation in health economics and management in the healthcare sector
1998 to 2007
Faculty of Business Administration at the LMU, Munich
2002 to 2007
Doctorate (Dr. oec. publ.) on the health economic evaluation of genetic engineering
1998 to 2001
Business Administration main study programme; focus on: Strategic corporate management and innovation management
1999 to 2000
Exchange programme, "Mercator Master of International Business Administration" certificate, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
1997 to 1998
Basic studies in economics, Karl-Ruprechts University Heidelberg
Courses and lectures
Bachelor Public Health / Health Science
Management in Health Care I & II
Consecutive specialisation in Planetary Health Economics
Master Public Health - Health Care, Health Economics and Management
Health, Social and Eco-Entrepreneurship
"Good" ways out of the climate crisis. A problem-orientated introduction to ethics and economics
In addition to the above-mentioned degree programmes, some of Prof. Dr Wolf Rogowski's courses are open to the economics degree programmes and the Master's in Complex Decision-Making.
Supervised dissertations at the University of Bremen
- Jule Oldenburg (laufend). Thema: "Indicators of Climate-smart and Climate-resilient HealthCare"
- Mattis Keil (laufend). Thema: „Ecological Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment in the Healthcare Sector“
- Kevin Helms (laufend). Thema: „Wide reflective equilibrium as a framework for selecting health economic methods”.
- Eugenia Larjow (2017 - 2023). Thema: Steuerungskosten im Gesundheitswesen
- Dr. Oliver Lange (2019-2023). Thema: Economic Evaluation of Digital Public Health
- Dr. Xiange Zhang (2017-2021), Thema: An investigation of the current advancement of discrete event simulation in healthcare and future development with consideration of environmental sustainability
- Dr. Fabia Gansen (2016-2020), Thema: Issues in Health Economic Evaluation. Methods and Implications of Eliciting Costs and Utilities
- Tina Jahnel, Chen-Chia Pan, Núria Pedros Barnils, Saskia Muellmann, Merle Freye, Hans-Henrik Dassow, Oliver Lange, Anke V Reinschluessel, Wolf Rogowski, Ansgar Gerhardus (2024). Developing and Evaluating Digital Public Health Interventions Using the Digital Public Health Framework DigiPHrame: A Framework Development Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
- Wolf Rogowski (2024). Accounting for planetary boundaries in health economic evaluation. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research.
- Mattis Keil, Leonie Frehse, Marco Hagemeister, Mona Knieß, Oliver Lange, Tobias Kronenberg, Wolf Rogowski (2024). Carbon footprint of healthcare systems: a systematic review of evidence and methods. BMJ Open.
- Wolf Rogowski, Jürgen John (2024). Preferences as fairness judgments: a critical review of normative frameworks of preference elicitation and development of an alternative based on constitutional economics. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation.
- Wolf Rogowski, Jürgen John (2024). Preferences as fairness judgments: a critical review of normative frameworks of preference elicitation and development of an alternative based on constitutional economics. Cost effectiveness and resource allocation, 22 ( 1 ), 1-14 .
- Tina Jahnel, Chen-Chia Pan, Núria Pedros Barnils, Saskia Muellmann, Merle Freye, Hans-Henrik Dassow, Oliver Lange, Anke V Reinschluessel, Wolf Rogowski, Ansgar Gerhardus (2023). Developing and Evaluating Digital Public Health Interventions Using the Digital Public Health Framework DigiPHrame: A Framework Development Study (Preprint).
- Mattis Keil, Tobias Viere, Kevin Helms, Wolf Rogowski (2023). The impact of switching from single-use to reusable healthcare products: a transparency checklist and systematic review of life-cycle assessments. European Journal of Public Health.
- Wolf Rogowski, Tanja Rechnitzer (2023). Karl Homann aus Perspektive kohärentistischer Wirtschaftsethik. Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik.
- Wolf Rogowski (2023). Management im Gesundheitswesen: Fallstudien, Aufgaben und Lösungen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
- Wolf Rogowski (2023). Management im Gesundheitswesen: Fallstudien, Aufgaben und Lösungen, Online-Ressource . Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.