Project Details

Empirical-ethical recommendations for teaching research ethics in public health

Duration: Since 01.09.2024
Research Team:

Dipl.-Soz.Arb. Christin Diegmann, M.Sc. M.A. (Projektleitung);

Project Partner: PD Dr. Solveig Lena Hansen; Prof. Dr. Hajo Zeeb;
Project Type: Ph. D. Project



The appropriate (re-)use of research data is regulated and is in line with current efforts towards digital sustainability and open science. Research funders and publication bodies increasingly expect a standardised approach. The responsible handling of data that is collected, processed or published as part of a research process is therefore attracting increasing attention.


However, research ethics standards vary widely and are sometimes contradictory. For example, there are currently differences in the handling of ethics votes and in the integration of data and research ethics. There are also no uniform standards for teaching. The quality of teaching in this respect is reflected in the teaching of an individual lecturer or department. A comprehensive research ethics teaching and learning infrastructure is not recognisable in Public Health. As a result, students often do not know how to collect and process data ethically. Although training in research data management is already offered, it is often purely technical.


The dissertation therefore asks how students can be empowered and supported in research ethics. The central concern is to identify students' uncertainties. Specifically, the aim is to investigate the development of the teaching-learning status in an empirical-ethical research design.



This PhD project analyses firstly existing curricula and module handbooks in German-speaking public health degree programmes with regard to the subject and learning field groups of research ethics. The aim is to clarify in which public health degree programmes the topic of research ethics is already integrated. Secondly, in order to understand the content and materials used to teach these skills, expert interviews will be conducted with module and programme directors. Thirdly, focus groups will be conducted with students once this analysis has been completed. This will address the question of the extent to which the degree programme corresponds to the structural and formal conditions and how students' own skills in dealing with research data are assessed.

Researchers in early career phases are asked about the available and usable documents. In addition, it is analysed how they have been guided by the university and the academic self-administration in matters of research ethics in order to specifically identify their needs.


Expected results: Handouts

In a final step, viable solutions and guidance for students in the field of public health are to be developed from the empirically determined needs. In addition to normative reflection, the result should also include documents in the form of clear recommendations for action and guidelines to promote the qualification of researchers in early career phases throughout Germany.