AdvanceGender – Advancing Gender-Sensitive Health Reporting to Improve Prevention: Methods for a Gender-Sensitive Research Process of Population Studies. AdvanceDataAnalysis – Development of methods for gender-sensitive multivariable data analysis
AdvanceGender is a project of the Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg Theodor Fontane, the University of Bremen [Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research, Department of Social Epidemiology] and the Robert Koch Institute [, Department of Epidemiology and Health Monitoring, Unit Health Reporting] that is directly linked to current international research on the integration of gender theory into quantitative health research. The objective of AdvanceGender is the development of gender-sensitive health reporting, which is theoretically as well as empirically well-founded. The entire research process of population-based studies is analysed and evaluated with regard to gender sensitivity. The goal is to develop a best-practice model to advance a gender-sensitive research process, thereby improving the linkage between data analysis, health reporting and health promotion. Within the framework of the subproject AdvanceDataAnalysis, led by the Department of Social Epidemiology at IPP, gender-sensitive data analysis strategies are developed and tested, with special consideration of intersectionality approaches. The starting point is a systematic research on different theoretical concepts and their operationalization within the scope of data analyses in health sciences. The identified concepts and strategies for gender-sensitive multivariate data analyses are further refined and applied in the context of multivariate data analyses within selected fields, relevant for health reporting. In cooperation with the project partners, the implications of the research results for the practice of gender-sensitive health reporting are presented and approaches for further research are elaborated.
As part of a panel discussion at the World Congress of Public Health 2020, the project results and the arising practice-oriented implications for intersectionality-informed and gender-sensitive public health research were discussed. The panellists were international experts in the fields of epidemiology, health equity, women's health and health reporting. A summary of the discussion is available via the following link:
Further information
Journal Article reviewed
Mena E, Stahlmann K, Telkmann K, Bolte G. Intersectionality-informed sex/gender-sensitivity in Public Health Monitoring and Reporting (PHMR): A case study assessing stratification on an “Intersectional Gender-Score”, in: Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2023. 20, 2220, doi:10.3390/ijerph20032220
Merz S, Jaehn P, Mena E, Poege K, Strasser S, Saß A, Rommel A, Bolte G, Holmberg C. Intersectionality and eco-social theory: a review of potentials for public health knowledge and social justice, in: Critical Public Health, 33 (2), S. 125 - 134, doi:10.1080/09581596.2021.1951668, 03.08.2021
Mena E, Bolte G, on behalf of the AdvanceGender Study Group. CART-Analysis embedded in social theory: A case study comparing quantitative data analysis strategies for intersectionality-based public health monitoring within and beyond the binaries, in: SSM - Population Health, 2021. 13: 100722, doi:10.1016/j.ssmph.2020.100722, 17.12.2020
Mena E, Bolte G, on behalf of the AdvanceGender Study Group. Classification tree analysis for an intersectionality-informed identification of population groups with non-daily vegetable intake, in: BMC Public Health 2021, 21: 2007, doi:10.1186/s12889-021-12043-6
Jaehn P, Mena E, Merz S, Hoffmann R, Gößwald A, Rommel A, Holmberg C, on behalf of the AdvanceGender Study Group. Non-response in a national health survey in Germany: An intersectionality-informed multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy, in: PLOS ONE, 2020. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0237349, 10.08.2020
Poege K, Rommel A, Mena E, Holmberg C, Saß A, Bolte G. AdvanceGender – Verbundprojekt für eine geschlechtersensible und intersektionale Forschung und Gesundheitsberichterstattung, in: Bundesgesundheitsblatt 2019, Januar 2019 (62), S. 102 - 107, doi:10.1007/s00103-018-2855-3
Mena E, Bolte G, on behalf of the AdvanceGender Study Group. Intersectionality-based quantitative health research and sex/gender sensitivity: a scoping review, in: International Journal for Equity in Health 2019, 18: 199, doi:10.1186/s12939-019-1098-8
Book Article
Mena E, Bolte G, on behalf of the AdvanceGender Study Group. Intersectionality-Based Quantitative Health Research and Sex/Gender Sensitivity: A Scoping Review, in: Morrow, Marina; Hankivsky, Olena; Varcoe, Colleen (Hg.), Women’s Health in Canada: Challenges of Intersectionality. 2022. Reprint, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, S. 254 - 272, doi:10.3138/9781442623958-014
Presentation / Poster
Bolte G. Intersektionalität in der quantitativen Gesundheitsforschung: Aktuelle Konzepte, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven, Online-Workshop „Intersektionalität: Potenziale und Herausforderungen für die Sozialepidemiologie“ der AG Sozialepidemiologie der DGSMP, DGMS und DGEpi, Bielefeld/Berlin, Deutschland, 31.03.2022
Mena E. Klassifikationsbaumanalysen und Stratifizierung nach dem ’Intersektionalen Gender-Score’ zur Umsetzung von intersektionalitäts-informierten und geschlechtersensiblen Datenanalysestrategien, Online-Workshop “Intersektionalität: Potentiale und Herausforderungen für die Sozialepidemiologie“. AG Sozialepidemiologie - gemeinsame Arbeitsgruppe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie (DGMS), der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epidemiologie (DGEpi), Deutschland, 31.03.2022
Merz S, Jaehn P, Mena E, Poege K, Rommel A, Saß A, Bolte G, Holmberg C. Sex/gender-sensitive and intersectionality-informed public health research and reporting: from theory to practice, 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Social Medicine & Population Health, Exeter 06.-09.09.2022, Großbritannien
Holmberg C, Jaehn P, Merz S, Mena E, Poege K, Saß A, Rommel A, Bolte G. Intersectionality-informed methods for public health research: results of the project AdvanceGender, American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting, Boston 06.-09.11.2022, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Bolte G, Mena E. Novel sex/gender-sensitive and intersectionality-informed statistical methods for health monitoring, Symposium “Sex/gender-sensitive and intersectionality-informed methods to advance health equity: From research to practice, Brandenburg an der Havel, Deutschland, 09.12.2022
Mena E, Bolte G. Intersektionalitätsbasierte quantitative Analysestrategien für eine geschlechtersensible Gesundheitsberichterstattung: Das Projekt AdvanceDataAnalysis, DGMP/DGMS Kongress (online), Hamburg, Deutschland, 17.09.2021
Mena E, Bolte G. Intersektionalität und Geschlecht in der quantitativen Datenanalyse: Welchen Beitrag können geschlechtertheoretische Konzepte für eine intersektionalitätsbasierte GBE leisten? 56. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP), Leipzig (online), Deutschland, 24.09.2021
Bolte G. Challenges of integrating gender theoretical concepts into epidemiological health research, 28th International Symposium on Epidemiology in Occupational Health, Montreal (online), Kanada, 25.10.2021
Bolte G. Beyond the binaries – Aktuelle Herausforderungen einer geschlechtergerechten Gesundheitsforschung, Online-Veranstaltung „Towards New Standards in Oncology: Gender Medicine.“, Asklepios Tumorzentrum Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland, 22.11.2021
Bolte G. Geschlecht in der quantitativen Gesundheitsforschung – aktuelle Forschungsansätze für die Operationalisierung in Datenerhebung und Datenanalyse, Online-Vortragsreihe Empirische Forschungsmethoden, Universität Kassel, Deutschland, 24.11.2021
Mena E, für die AdvanceGender-Studiengruppe. AdvanceDataAnalysis. Einbettung von Klassifikationsbaumanalysen in zentrale geschlechtertheoretische Konzepte als exemplarische Grundlage einer intersektionalitätsinformierten Gesundheitsberichterstattung, Online-Konferenz des Projektes INGER – Integration von Geschlecht in die Forschung zu umweltbezogener Gesundheit, Bremen, Deutschland, 29.11.2021
Mena E, Jaehn P, Merz S, Poege K, Strasser S, Saß A, Rommel A, Holmberg C, Bolte G. Suggestions for a gender-sensitive and intersectional practice of health monitoring and reporting, Panel: „Gender-sensitive and intersectional health monitoring and reporting: putting theory into practice”. 16th World Congress on Public Health, Rom, Italien, 14.10.2020
Merz S, Jaehn P, Mena E, Poege K, Strasser S, Saß A, Rommel A, Bolte G, Holmberg C. Why should gender-sensitive health reports be intersectional?, Panel: „Gender-sensitive and intersectional health monitoring and reporting: putting theory into practice”. 16th World Congress on Public Health, Rom, Italien, 14.10.2020
Jaehn P, Mena E, Merz S, Hoffmann R, Gößwald A, Rommel A, Holmberg C. The intersectionality of non-response in a national health survey in Germany: a multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy, 15. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epidemiologie, Greifswald, Deutschland, 02.10.2020
Mena E, Bolte G. Geschlechtersensibilität in der Datenanalyse aus Intersektionalitätsperspektive, Kongress Armut und Gesundheit "Politik Macht Gesundheit". Fachforum Geschlechtergerechtigkeit: Das Verbundprojekt "AdvanceGender" – Beiträge zu einer geschlechtersensiblen Gesundheitsberichterstattung, Berlin, Deutschland, 14.03.2019
Mena E, Bolte G. Framework zur Erfassung und Planung von geschlechtersensiblen multivariablen Analysen aus Intersektionalitätsperspektive, Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinsoziologie (DGMS) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP), Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 17.09.2019
Mena E, Bolte G. Conceptual framework for intersectionality-based gender sensitivity in multivariable analysis, Workshop: How to do (and not to do) gender in public health research: methodological developments and lessons from the field. Building bridges for solidarity and public health, 12th European Public Health Conference, Marseille, Frankreich, 23.11.2019