Research cluster “Healthy City Bremen: interprofessional, digital, sustainable"
Dr.-Ing. Julita Skodra, IPP, Universität Bremen (scientific coordination);
Sprecher:innen/Spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte, IPP, Universität Bremen;
Prof. Dr. Christian von Wissel, Hochschule Bremen;
Prof. Dr. Johanne Pundt, APOLLON Hochschule der Gesundheitswirtschaft;
The "Healthy City" framework concept in Europe (WHO European Healthy Cities Network) is an international vision aimed at reducing health inequalities, good governance and the consideration of health and health promotion in all sectors.
Central to this is the establishment of cross-departmental cooperation for health-promoting urban development. Equally central to this is the creation of an efficient healthcare system in which the various healthcare professions work together in an integrated manner and on an equal footing. Last but not least, this also includes promoting the resilience of cities to crises such as climate change or a pandemic. The research cluster "Healthy City Bremen: interprofessional, digital, sustainable" is designed as a cross-university research and transfer focus in the state of Bremen and deals with future topic that is central to social development. The research cluster examines challenges and potential solutions in the areas and levels relevant to a healthy city in six research projects.