Project Details

Development and replication of a typology of informal dementia care dyads to guide the design of tailored support for informal caregivers – An exploratory study in Germany and the Netherlands

Duration: 01.01.2019 - 02.07.2024
Research Team:

Henrik Wiegelmann, M.A. (Projektleitung);

Project Partner: Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann
Project Type: PhD project


Development and replication of a typology of informal dementia care dyads to guide the design of tailored support for informal caregivers – An exploratory study based on cross-sectional analyses of dementia care network users in Germany and the Netherlands


The overall aim is the identification of typical dyadic relationship constellations in home-based dementia care settings. A further goal is the analysis of similarities and differences regarding relevant health-care related psychosocial outcomes, with a special focus on informal caregivers as individuals in dementia care dyads. Therefore, three single papers were published, that 1. synthesises both effectiveness and subgroup-orientation of psychosocial interventions promoting mental health of informal caregivers, 2. presents a subgroup-typology and related health care outcomes of informal caregivers within dementia care dyads, using a latent class analysis (LCA) based on data from the German DemNet-D study, and 3. tests and controls this subgroup-typology within a LCA replication study, using data from the Dutch COMPAS study. Furthermore, the results are reflected against the underlying concepts of psychosocial health, dyadic perspective and subgroup-orientation.

Further information




Links zu Einzelstudien:

Wiegelmann, H., Speller, S., Verhaert, LM. et al. Psychosocial interventions to support the mental health of informal caregivers of persons living with dementia – a systematic literature review. BMC Geriatr 21, 94 (2021).


Wiegelmann H, Wolf-Ostermann K, Brannath W, Arzideh F, Dreyer J, Thyrian R, Schirra-Weirich L, Verhaert L. Sociodemographic aspects and health care-related outcomes: a latent class analysis of informal dementia care dyads. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Jul 23;21(1):727. doi: 10.1186/s12913-021-06708-6. PMID: 34301241; PMCID: PMC8299572.


Wiegelmann H, Wolf-Ostermann K, Janssen N, van Hout H, Vroomen JLM, Arzideh F. Sociodemographic structure and health care-related outcomes of community-dwelling dementia caregiving dyads: a latent class replication study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2023 May 12;23(1):482. doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-09505-5. PMID: 37173765; PMCID: PMC10182645.