Project Details
DemNet-D. Multicentre, interdisciplinary evaluation study of dementia networks in Germany
The research project analyses care situations and outcomes, as well as the cooperation and network structure of regional networks for people with dementia. DemNet-D is a multidimensional and multidisciplinary evaluation to determine the determinants of successful networks, taking into account heterogeneous framework conditions and different forms of co-operation. The comparative evaluation of established networks is intended to generate knowledge about which network structures lead to which patient- and family-related results under which conditions. The results of the study will be used to develop specific recommendations and instructions regarding the implementation, management and medium and long-term safeguarding of networked care structures within regional dementia care. The recommendations are not only aimed at existing dementia networks, but are also intended to provide guidance and support when setting up new dementia networks. The study will focus on network-related as well as patient-, family- and society-related parameters. The questions to be addressed as part of the research project are divided into
- Questions regarding the impact and outcome of the dementia networks on the part of the users (people with dementia and relatives),
- Questions regarding the impact and outcome of the structures and processes within the dementia networks (service providers, key persons).
The scientific co-operation partners jointly carry out DemNet-D, with each partner assuming responsibility for different thematic areas.The University of Bremen is responsible for evaluating the user-related outcomes.
Scientific co-operation partners:
- German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases Rostock/Greifswald site, network coordination
- German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Witten site- Institute for Applied Social Research Stuttgart
Participating dementia networks from Berlin/Brandenburg:
- Dementia-friendly community Lichtenberg
- Dementia-friendly! Treptow-Köpenick
- Dementia Network Teltow-Fläming
- Quality Network in Old Age Pankow e.V.
- "Our community is dementia-friendly" Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
Other networks from across Germany:
- Aachen, Ahlen, Arnsberg, Düsseldorf, Krefeld, Minden-Lübbecke, Stralsund and Uckermark
Funded by:
Federal Ministry of Health, Future Workshop on Dementia programme
Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann