Project Details

Strengthening health-promoting co-operation in administration in the district. Health In All Policies in Bremen

Duration: 01.04.2019 - 31.10.2019
Research Team:

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte (Projektleitung);


Tanja Brüchert, M.A. PH;


Dr. Stefanie Dreger;

Project Type: Third-party funded project
Funding: Die Senatorin für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz Bremen


In its report “Future of Bremen 2035” the Future Commission has formulated the main objective 8 "My street, my district, my city" as a priority measure to achieve a health promoting urban development by incorporating health aspects into all policy areas in the sense of the Health-in-All-Policies approach (HiAP). Furthermore, it is planned to develop an integrated and preventive strategy "Healthy City Bremen - City of well-being", considering health equity.

An important preparatory work for this is the development of a strategy on how health can be integrated as a cross-cutting issue into district-based administrative cooperation.

The aim of the project at the IPP is to develop recommendations for the identification of approaches for the Health-in-All-Policies strategy as well as for procedures for their establishment in Bremen.

We proceed as follows in three steps:

  • Analysis of a selection of national and international guidelines for intersectoral strategies for a health promoting urban (district) development
  • Development of a procedure for the analysis of relevant administrative regulations, laws or development plans in different policy areas in Bremen with regard to starting points for HiAP
  • Proposals for the initiation or improvement of intersectoral collaboration for a health promoting urban (district) development

Further information

Working and discussion paper

Dreger S, Brüchert T, Bolte G. Gesundheitsförderliche Verwaltungskooperation im Stadtteil stärken. Empfehlungen für die Etablierung eines Health-in-All-Policies-Ansatzes, IPP-Schriften/18/2021, Bremen: Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung (IPP), Universität Bremen