Project Details

Development of a model curriculum ‘Communicative competence in nursing’

Duration: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018
Research Team:

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck (Projektleitung);


Axel Doll, Pflegerat in der Steuerungsgruppe des NKP;


Sabine Muths;


Sebastian Partsch;


Gertrud Stöcker, Deutscher Bildungsrat für Pflege;


Daniel Wecht, Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Weiterbildungsleitung für Fachweiterbildung Pflege in der Onkologie;

Project Type: Third-party funded project
Funding: BMG - Bundesministerium für Gesundheit


As part of Goal 12a of the National Cancer Plan, the project aims to strengthen the promotion of communication skills in the training of nursing staff. The intention is to develop a model curriculum for this area of competence. This model curriculum should be available as an example of best practice when revising the schools' own curricula as part of the changeover to generalist nursing training. A curricular framework concept will first be developed on the basis of a theoretically substantiated concept of nursing communication, a research of best practice examples and studies on the promotion of communicative competence and an empirical determination of key problems of professional reality. In the next step, the framework concept is adapted to the specifics of three nursing schools, concretized and implemented in parts. The curriculum will then be evaluated with regard to questions of organizational, economic, temporal and legal feasibility, the effects and possible potential for further development. Based on the results, a final version of the model curriculum will be created and recommendations for implementation will be derived.


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