Project Details

GeUmGe-Net – Research Network Gender – Environment – Health

Duration: 01.12.2015 - 01.12.2017
Research Team:

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte (Projektleitung);


Emily Mena, M. A.;


Tatjana Paeck;

Project Type: Third-party funded project


The category of gender in biomedical research on environmental health. Relevance, interdisciplinary approaches and transdisciplinary perspectives.


This project is the first to establish an interdisciplinary research network on gender and environmental health in Germany. Within the GeUmGe-NET research network, the first step is to initiate a dialogue between biomedical research and social and cultural science gender research in the field of environmental health and to create a forum for transdisciplinary exchange.

This will be followed by systematic research into how the category of gender is taken into account in biomedical and health science research on environmental health and how gender aspects are integrated. In addition to identifying gaps in knowledge and research needs, good practice examples will be analysed. Building on this, the potential for further methodological developments in environmental health research through inter- and transdisciplinary co-operation and the use of gender concepts will be demonstrated and new interdisciplinary research approaches will be developed through methodological innovations.

The following research and application fields are represented in GeUmGe-NET:

  • Environmental epidemiology, gene-environment interactions
  • Environmental toxicology
  • environmental medicine
  • Public health, in particular social inequality, environment & health, environmental justice
  • Social science and socio-ecological gender research


The ultimate aim of the GeUmGe-NET research network is to create a basis for a science-practice dialogue that identifies and discusses the potential for the systematic inclusion of gender aspects and the possibilities for implementation in the practical fields of environment-related health reporting, environment-related health protection and promotion and environmental justice.

The research network is headed by the Department of Social Epidemiology at the IPP of the University of Bremen. Initial participants in the research network are scientists from the Federal Environment Agency (Department II 1.2 Toxicology, Health-Related Environmental Monitoring), the Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Centre for Environmental Health (Institute of Epidemiology II), Bielefeld University (Faculty of Health Sciences, Working Group 7 Environment and Health) and Humboldt University Berlin (Institute of History, Gender and Science / Science and Gender Studies).

In addition, scientists from the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Social Services (Department of Health and Consumer Protection, Division 34 Environmental Health Protection) and the Universities of Regensburg, Osnabrück and Bremen (Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research; artec Research Centre for Sustainability) are on hand to provide advice.

Further information

Journal Article reviewed

Bolte G,David M, Dębiak M, Fiedel L, Hornberg C, Kolossa-Gehring M, Kraus U, Lätzsch R, Paeck T, Schneider A. Integration von Geschlecht in die Forschung zu umweltbezogener Gesundheit. Ergebnisse des interdisziplinären Forschungsnetzwerks Geschlecht – Umwelt – Gesundheit (GeUmGe-NET), in: Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz 2018, 61 (6), S. 737 - 746, doi:10.1007/s00103-018-2745-8


Journal Article

Bolte G,Twardella D, Conrad A, Hoopmann M. Geschlecht, Umwelt und Gesundheit: Workshop zur Bedeutung der biologischen und sozialen Dimensionen von Geschlecht für Expositions- und Risikoabschätzungen. in: UMID - Umwelt und Mensch – Informationsdienst, 2015, 2, S. 73 - 76


Book Article

Bolte G. Geschlecht, Umwelt und Gesundheit, in: Petra Kolip/Klaus Hurrelmann (Hg.), Handbuch Geschlecht und Gesundheit. Männer und Frauen im Vergleich. 2016, Bern: Hogrefe Verlag, S. 58 - 70


Presentation / Poster

Bolte G, Paeck T, Kolossa-Gehring M, Kraus U, Hornberg C. Sex/gender in environmental health research: relevance, interdisciplinary approaches and transdisciplinary perspectives, 2nd International Conference on Human Biomonitoring, Berlin, Deutschland, 18.04.2016

Bolte G, Paeck T, Kraus U, Kolossa-Gehring M, Hornberg C, für das Forschungsnetzwerk GeUmGe-NET. Die Kategorie Geschlecht in der biomedizinischen und Public Health Forschung zu umweltbezogener Gesundheit: Ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsnetzwerk zu Relevanz, interdisziplinären Ansätzen und transdisziplinären Perspektiven, 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Umweltmedizin und Präventivmedizin (GHUP), Köln, Deutschland, 24.05.2016

Bolte G. GeUmGe-NET – ein neues interdisziplinäres Forschungsnetzwerk zu Geschlecht und umweltbezogener Gesundheit in Deutschland, Bremer Forum Frauengesundheit, Bremische Zentralstelle für die Verwirklichung der Gleichberechtigung der Frau, Bremen, Deutschland, 25.05.2016

Bolte G, Paeck T, Hornberg C, Kolossa-Gehring M, Kraus U, or the GeUmGe-NET study group. Gender inequalities in environmental health: An interdisciplinary research network on relevance, interdisciplinary approaches and transdisciplinary perspectives, ISEE 2016. 28th annual International Society for Environmental Epidemiology conference, Rom, Italien, 01.09.2016

Paeck T, Hornberg C, Kolossa-Gehring M, Kraus U, Bolte G. GeUmGe-NET: Ein neues interdisziplinäres Forschungsnetzwerk zur Integration von Geschlechterkonzepten in die biomedizinische und Public-Health-Forschung zu Umwelt und Gesundheit, 52. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP), Essen, Deutschland, 15.09.2016

Paeck T, Bolte G, for the GeUmGe-NET study group. Interdisciplinary research network GeUmGe-NET: sex and gender in environmental health research, 9th European Public Health Conference (EPH), Wien, Österreich, 12.11.2016