Project Details

EQUAL – Equity impacts of interventions to increase physical activity (1st funding phase)

Duration: 01.02.2015 - 31.01.2018
Project Type: Third-party funded project
Funding: BMBF - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung


EQUAL is a subproject of the BMBF funded prevention network "AEQUIPA - Physical activity and health equity: primary prevention for healthy ageing" and is designed as a cross-cutting project on methods development and support. The network's core topic is the promotion of physical activity as an important factor for healthy ageing with particular focus on health equity.

The main focus of EQUAL refers to the question on how interventions aiming to increase physical activity especially in the elderly population have to be designed to adequately address vulnerable and socially disadvantaged groups and not increase health inequalities. In this regard, the evidence on strategies and methods of social inequalities-sensitive planning, implementation and evaluation of physical activity interventions in the elderly will be synthesized by analyses of published studies and expert interviews. Results of the evidence synthesis will be used to provide methodical advice for the subprojects of the AEQUIPA-network. For this purpose, workshops will be performed regularly, with the participation of external experts from the field. Another goal of this project is to develop innovative methods for equity impact assessment of complex interventions and to apply these methods to the evaluation of the interventions implemented by the subprojects of the AEQUIPA-network.

EQUAL is carried out in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Hajo Zeeb and Dr. Tilman Brand, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS, Department of Prevention and Evaluation.

Further information

Journal Article reviewed

Lehne G, Voelcker-Rehage C, Meyer J, Bammann K, Gansefort D, Brüchert T, Bolte G. Equity impact assessment of interventions to promote physical activity among older adults: a logic model framework. in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16 (420), doi:10.3390/ijerph16030420

Lehne G, Bolte G. Impact of universal interventions on social inequalities in physical activity among older adults: an equity-focused systematic review, in: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14 (1), doi:10.1186/s12966-017-0472-4, 10.02.2017

Forberger S, Bammann K, Bauer J, Boll S, Bolte G, Brand T, Hein A, Koppelin F, Lippke S, Meyer J, Pischke C, Voelcker-Rehage C, Zeeb P. How to tackle key challenges in the promotion of physical activity among older adults (65+): the AEQUIPA network approach, in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14 (4), doi:10.3390/ijerph14040379

Lehne G, Bolte G. Equity impact of interventions to promote physical activity in older adults:protocol for a systematic review, in: Systematic Reviews, 2016, 5, S. 17 - 21, doi:10.1186/s13643-016-0194-8

Presentation / Poster

Bolte G. Universelle Interventionen und gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Erkenntnisgewinns durch Equity-focused Systematic Reviews, Kongress Armut und Gesundheit 2017. „Gesundheit solidarisch gestalten“, Berlin, Deutschland, 17.03.2017

Lehne G, Brüchert T, Lübs L, Bammann K, Bolte G. Healthy ageing & equity in context, International Conference "Ageing – Health – Equity" of the High-profile Area Health Sciences, University of Bremen. 29.-30.06.2017, Bremen, Deutschland, 29.06.2017

Lehne G, Brand T, Bolte G. Equity impact of interventions promoting physical activity – points to consider, 10th European Public Health Conference. Sustaining resilient and healthy communities, Stockholm, Schweden, 01.11.2017

Lehne G, Brand T, Bolte G. Understanding and monitoring equity impacts of physical activity interventions for older adults, 10th European Public Health Conference. Sustaining resilient and healthy communities, Stockholm, Schweden, 03.11.2017

Lehne G, Brand T, Bolte G. Equity impact assessment – considering social inequalities in the evaluation of interventions to promote physical activity among older adults. An equity-focused review as part of the project EQUAL, HEC 2016. Health – Exploring Complexity: An Interdisciplinary Approach. GMDS & DGEpi & IEA-EEF annual meeting, München, Deutschland, 01.09.2016

Lehne G, Brand T, Bolte G. Ungleichheitseffekte von Interventionen zur Förderung der körperlichen Aktivität: Das Teilprojekt EQUAL, 52. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP), Essen, Deutschland, 16.09.2016