Project Details
IGIs-SHS – Impact of tobacco control policies on social inequalities in children's exposure to tobacco smoke
The IGIs-SHS project addresses the question of how tobacco control policies, as an example of a universal public health intervention, affect social inequalities in tobacco smoke exposure, particularly among children. The World Health Organisation's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the first global public health treaty. To protect the population from the health risks of exposure to tobacco smoke, Article 8 of the FCTC regulates protection from passive smoking in enclosed public places. Such universal intervention strategies, which are not specifically targeted at certain population groups, can unintentionally miss socially disadvantaged groups and reinforce existing social inequalities. This effect is also known as "intervention-generated inequalities", or IGIs for short. The concept of IGIs is currently being used to discuss which tobacco control policy prevention measures unintentionally reinforce social inequalities in smoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smoke. Social inequalities in the smoking behaviour of parents and thus in the tobacco smoke exposure of children in private rooms have already been extensively investigated. The effects of non-smoker protection legislation on children's exposure to tobacco smoke in private rooms have been analysed in several countries in recent years. A new question is whether social inequalities in tobacco smoke exposure are systematically increased. As part of the project, data from our own studies are analysed, systematic reviews are produced (equity-focused systematic review) and concepts are further developed.
Further information
Journal Article reviewed
Nanninga S, Lehne G, Ratz T, Bolte G. Impact of public smoking bans on social inequalities in children’s exposure to tobacco smoke at home: an equity-focused systematic review, in: Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2019, 21 (11), S. 1462 - 1472, doi:10.1093/ntr/nty139
Nanninga S, Lhachimi S, Bolte G. Impact of public smoking bans on children’s exposure to tobacco smoke at home: a systematic review and meta-analysis, in: BMC Public Health , 18 (749), doi:10.1186/s12889-018-5679-z, 21.06.2018
Journal Article
Bolte G, Wildner M, Fromme H. Auswirkung der Nichtraucherschutzgesetzgebung auf die Tabakrauchbelastung von Kindern und auf soziale Ungleichheiten in der Exposition, in: Prävention. 2015, 1, S. 7 - 9
Presentation / Poster
Bolte G. Universelle Interventionen und gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Erkenntnisgewinns durch Equity-focused Systematic Reviews, Kongress Armut und Gesundheit 2017. Gesundheit solidarisch gestalten, Berlin, Deutschland, 17.03.2017
Nanninga S, Bolte G. Effekt von Nichtraucherschutzgesetzen auf die Tabakrauchbelastung von Kindern – Metaanalyse und Equity-focused Systematic Review, Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epidemiologie (DgEpi), der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie (DGMS) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP), Lübeck, Deutschland, 05.09.2017
Bolte G. Tabakkontroll-/Nichtraucherschutzpolitik und soziale Ungleichheit bei Aktiv- und Passivrauchen, 18. Kongress Armut & Gesundheit, Fachforum Soziale Ungleichheiten durch Public-Health-Interventionen. 06.-07.03.2013, Berlin, Deutschland