Project Details
Multi MOST Study
There are indications from studies with study designs of a high evidence class that successful interventions for alcohol prevention are increasingly "multicomponent interventions". In these, elements from multiple subdomains are combined to increase the effectiveness of the intervention. Which of the individual intervention components in multicomponent interventions ultimately make an active contribution to the effectiveness of the intervention often goes unnoticed in scientific evaluations through the use of RCTs. In this project, effective digital intervention components for the prevention of alcohol consumption among adolescents are identified and an evaluation of a multi-component intervention compiled from them is prepared using the multi-phase optimization strategy (called MOST model). This will enable the evaluation of the effectiveness of individual components.
The research questions of the Multi MOST study are:
1) What digital components or intervention techniques exist to reduce or prevent adolescent alcohol use?
2) How can these components be combined for a promising multi-component digital intervention for students ages 14-19?
3) How can a multi-phase optimization strategy model be developed to identify effective intervention components and interactions among components to obtain the best combination through cyclical optimization?
The study is funded as a seed project within the Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Public Health.