Project Details
MVP-STAT: Needs-Based Provision of Medical Care to Nursing Home Residents
Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang, SOCIUM Forschungszentrum Ungleichheit und Sozialpolitik (Projektleitung);
Daniel Gand, M.A.;
Annika Schmidt;
The primary aim of the project is to gain knowledge about the appropriateness of the care provided by general practitioners and specialists to those in need of care in nursing homes as a prerequisite for the creation of more appropriate medical care in this setting.
The three-year project with a funding volume of € 854,905 is being carried out at the SOCIUM in cooperation with the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP), the Scientific Institute of the AOK (WIdO) and the Competence Centre for Clinical Studies Bremen (KKSB) with the participation of the AOK Bremen/Bremerhaven, the Bremer Heimstiftung, the Federal Association of Private Providers of Social Services (bpa), the Regional Labour Community (LandesArbeitsGemeinschaft), der Free welfare work (Freien Wohlfahrtspflege) Bremen (LAG) and the General Practitioners' Association (Hausärzteverband) Bremen.
Firstly, differences in the care provided by general practitioners and specialists to those in need of care in nursing homes compared to those in need of care in the outpatient sector and those not in need of care are recorded on the basis of routine SHI data. Identified differences in care are then evaluated for the existence of overuse, underuse and/or misuse using standardised assessments as part of a primary data collection. The explanation of existing (inadequate) care is based on a retrospective analysis of the SHI routine data linked to the primary data by means of record linkage and on the basis of case reconstructions.
Based on the care deficits identified and explained for the first time in this way, potential improvements and solutions are derived in a participatory manner in focus group discussions. Building on this, a model project will be developed as part of a Delphi process and then piloted. Overall, the project is intended to contribute to an improvement in the adequacy of medical care for those in need of care in inpatient facilities.