

Fachbereich 6 - Rechtswissenschaft|

Faculty of Law participates for the first time in the “Hans Soldan Moot Court” on German private law

The Hans Soldan Moot Court (Soldan Moot) is the largest student competition on German private and civil procedural law as well as attorney law in Germany. It takes place once a year in Hanover. For the first time, the University of Bremen has sent a team to the competition. The competition is a…

6th Bremen Conference on Maritime Law Haus Schütting Bremen, 28/29 October 2021

Our world is becoming more unpredictable and complex. Achieving economic success without taking into account the resulting environmental consequences is no longer acceptable.

Fachbereich 6 - Rechtswissenschaft|

Interview with the Mayor

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the University, the Faculty of Law conducted an interview with the Mayor of the City of Bremen, Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte, a graduate of the Faculty, which was presented to the Rector of the University Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter on 6 Septbemer 2021.…

Updated by: FB6