Current news

Language cafés during the winter semester 2024/2025

Our language cafés are up and running for eight different languages. Designed for students, the language cafés are also completely free of charge.

Keynote address by Prof. Claudia Harsch

At the EALTA Conference in Belfast last June, Prof. Claudia Harsch gave a keynote address on the topic “Looking at the past, present and future of the CEFR beyond Europe - from the CEFR to a CGFR?”. The talk can now be viewed online.

Our program during orientation week

During the orientation week, we will be presenting our language program at various locations and in different formats (information events, sampler courses). Come and see us; we look forward to meeting you.

Courses in 22 languages this winter semester 2024/25

Registration for our courses is now open. The courses start on October 14, 2024.

The intensive courses are still running

The intensive courses are still running and there is still time to register! We have five exciting languages to choose from for August and September.

German language café during the semester break

The German language café for the levels B1/B2 will continue to take place during the semester break for the first time.

European Day of Languages

On September 26th, the Instituto Cervantes and the Language Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB) invite you to celebrate the European Day of Languages at the city library (Zentralbibliothek, Am Wall).

French Language Cafè during the semester break

Starting at the end of July, we will be offering a French language café for the first time during the semester break. The language café is geared towards students and participation is free of charge.

Rooms needed for International Summer School participants

120 students from 20 countries will be attending the 4-week International Summer School at the Language Centre in Bremen from July 29th to August 23rd. Rooms are still needed for some participants.

Intensive language courses from July to September

Soon it will be that time again: our intensive courses are about to start! From July to September, the Language Center will be offering intensive courses in 10 languages. Thai is a new addition to the program. The tutoring program for independent language learning will also be taking place.

Updated by: SZHB