Lemex News

Our Die-Höhle-Der-Löwen-Event is over

Together with students, we from LEMEX experienced a lively discussion about selected business ideas, founding teams and the pitches from the TV series "Die Höhle der Löwen". Many thanks!

In order to reach students interested in founding a company, we have come up with a low-threshold event.
The profound goal is to open the door for those who are on the threshold of implementing start-up ideas. Together with the cumulative knowledge of the chair, we can guide them to success!

Moderated by Nils Marschner, we invited students to watch selected pitches from the series "Die Höhle der Löwen". 
Afterwards, we discussed in a relaxed round how convincing we found the idea, the pitch and the founding team.

In the series, founders and founding teams present their idea to five successful entrepreneurs, the so-called "lions," have to face questions and may receive start-up capital. "Die Höhle der Löwen" is internationally successful and runs in the USA under the title "Shark Tank" and in the UK as "Dragons' Den".