Qualification Area: Professional Skills

Personal Competencies

Mapex qualification area

The development of professional skills plays an important role in later successful career paths, both in academia and non-academia.

An essential goal for the qualification phase of doctoral students is a targeted and structured development in areas of personal competencies.

This covers the enhancement of skills in the areas of gender and interculturality, the ability to conceptualise and present scientific work properly, skills in moderation, leadership, time and project management, as well as important skills in job interview situations.

At the University of Bremen, varoius institutions offer training programmes to help doctoral candidates to develop their personal competencies. These include for example the Bremen Early Career Researcher Development (BYRD), the Department of Personnel Development (PE), the Career Center and the Department of Equal Opportunities/Anti-discrimination (Perspektive Promotion).

Below you get a collection of the corresponding offers in chronological order. You can also filter for specific workshops by using the search bar.

Offers in Personal Competencies

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Open Online Course - Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity (ED&I)

By YUFE Pilot Programme on Doctoral Learning / only registered members of the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme are eligble to participate

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Effektive Kommunikation: Essentials

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Female Empowerment für moderne Wissenschaftlerinnen

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Apero-Doctoring: Juggling Collaborative Relationships

By YUFE Pilot on Doctoral Learning / only registered members of the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme are eligble to participate

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Argumentation in Scientific Writing


MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Projektmanagement - Basiswissen und Praxis

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Confronting racism strategically

By Equal Opportunities/Anti-discrimination Unit (04)

Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Structuring Effective Meetings


MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Konstruktive Einzelgespräche gestalten

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Wissenschaftliches Schreiben - Gruppencoaching

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Leadership 1: Führungskompetenzen kennen lernen und entwickeln

By Career Center

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Apero-Doctoring: Juggling Collaborative Relationships

By YUFE Pilot on Doctoral Learning / only registered members of the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme are eligble to participate

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Leadership 2: Digital Leadership – Die neue Herausforderung an die Führung kennen lernen und anwenden

By Career Center

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Konferenzen stressfrei PLANEN (Onlinetraining)

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Authentic career management and leadership

By Career Center

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Guter Stil - Verständlich schreiben für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Zukunftsperspektiven für Wissenschaftler*innen – Kompetenzen stärken und neue Chancen erkennen (Online)

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Sketchnotes für Wissenschaftler*innen

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Überzeugend Online

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Effektive Organisation - effizientes Zeitmanagement

By Career Center

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Schneller lesen - mehr verstehen

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Produktive Meetings ohne Frust: Besprechungen effektiv gestalten und moderieren

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

International Career Development

By YUFE Pilot on Doctoral Learning / only registered members of the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme are eligble to participate

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Rhetorisch überzeugen mit Inhalt, Körper und Stimme

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Neu in Führung - Basiswissen für Führungskräfte

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Online Praxisworkshop "Gute Entscheidungen in komplexen Situationen treffen"

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Gruppensituationen im Griff

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Empowerment for women: Trust in your own strengths

By Career Center

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Decolonising the Mind - empowerment workshop

By Equal Opportunities/Anti-discrimination Unit (04)

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|


By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Bewerbungswissen kompakt (Online-Workshop)

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Einführung in die Konfliktvermittlung (Mediation)

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Interaktiv arbeiten mit großen Gruppen

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Effektive Zusammenarbeit im Team

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Gut »gestimmt« lehren und auftreten - ein aktives Stimmtraining

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Empathy / Compassion training

By Equal Opportunities/Anti-discrimination Unit (04)

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

International Career Development

By YUFE Pilot on Doctoral Learning / only registered members of the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme are eligble to participate

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Follow-up workshop on the Open Online Course “ED&I"

By YUFE Pilot on Doctoral Learning / only registered members of the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme are eligble to participate

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Beziehungsmanagement / Konstruktive Interaktionen für Menschen im Berufs- und Alltagsleben

By Personalentwicklung

Updated by: MAPEX