Qualification Area: Lectures and Courses

Mapex qualification area

The active participation in subject-related courses and lectures contributes to a substantial and competent expansion and specialisation of your professional knowledge.

Possibilities here are, e.g., the participation in particular summer and winter school  formats, in  training courses on equipment and methods, or in training courses on questions of patent law, statistics, programming, quality management and other similar topics.


At the University of Bremen, different institutions offer various lectures, courses and advanced trainings to help doctoral candidates to gain highly specialised knowledge.

Below you get a collection of the corresponding offers in chronological order. You can also filter for specific workshops by using the search bar.

Offers in the Area of Lectures and Courses

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Nachhaltiges Innovationsmanagement

By Career Center

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Data protection and licenses

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Künstliche Intelligenz in der Arbeitswelt

By Career Center

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Philosophical reflections on data science

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Cryptography basics

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Blockchain – Eine Technologie mit vielen Anwendungsfeldern

By Career Center

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Security & privacy

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Statistical thinking

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Asking (the right) research questions in data science

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Is it all AI - or something?! All you need to know about Chat GPT, ATS and similar features

By Career Center

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

About the meaningfulness of data

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Strategisches Management - Die wichtigsten Management-Tools

By Career Center

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Computer sciences basics for data science

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Overview about programming languages

Improve your knowledge about programming languages.

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Machine learning basics

Data Train

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Unternehmen kaufen statt gründen - so geht´s

By Personalentwicklung

Updated by: MAPEX