Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| 17.06.2024 Open Online Course - Research Ethics and Integrity (RE&I)By YUFE Pilot Programme on Doctoral Learning / only registered members to the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme are eligible for participation.Read more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 12.07.2024 Open Online Course - Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity (ED&I)By YUFE Pilot Programme on Doctoral Learning / only registered members of the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme are eligble to participate Read more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 09.09.2024 Online-Coaching-Programm „Projektmanagement in der Wissenschaft“By PersonalentwicklungRead more
Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| 01.10.2024 M3.3 - 10.1 "Viel Stoff – keine Zeit? – Durch Stoffreduktion aufs Wesentliche konzentrieren" By Geschäftsstelle HochschuldidaktikRead more
Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| 15.10.2024 Good Scientific Practice – Protecting Research IntegrityBy BYRDRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 16.10.2024 Obsidian for Researchers: Customizing Your Digital Research Assistant (DSC-2024-03)By Data Science CenterRead more
Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 17.10.2024 Redekunst - Training für die Erfolgsfaktoren Stimme und SprechenBy Career Center Read more
Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| MAPEX Workshops| 22.10.2024 Effective Teaching in Higher EducationBy MAPEX Doctoral Qualification ProgrammeRead more
Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 24.10.2024 Artificial Intelligence Tools: Responsible Use and Applications in Research and AcademiaBy BYRDRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 28.10.2024 Time Series Analysis And Prediction Using Python and Jupyter For The Earth Sciences (DSC-2024-04)By Data Science CenterRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 04.11.2024 Job application for Internationals – Application documents and application procedures in GermanyBy Career CenterRead more
Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 04.11.2024 Digitale Rhetorik - Überzeugend auftreten in Online-MeetingsBy Career CenterRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 06.11.2024 Job application for Internationals – Fit for the job interview in Germany - preparation and trainingBy Career CenterRead more
Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| 07.11.2024 M 2.2 Studierende beratenBy Geschäftsstelle HochschuldidaktikRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 07.11.2024 Scientific Writing: Turning the blank page into a manuscriptBy BYRDRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 08.11.2024 Data Reconciliation: Integration of Electrochemical Data and Optical Sensor Data for Health Diagnostics of Lithium-Ion BatteriesBy Data TrainRead more
Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 11.11.2024 How Much is The Fish? – Unlocking the Secrets of Metabarcoding and Mastering Sequence Data Management (Metabarcoding 1) (DSC-2024-05)By Data Science CenterRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 12.11.2024 Data Visualization And Communication Using Python and Jupyter For The Earth Sciences (DSC-2024-06)By Data Science Center Read more
Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| 14.11.2024 M3.1 b Mit dem Lehrportfolio die eigene Lehre reflektierenBy Geschäftsstelle HochschuldidaktikRead more
Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| 14.11.2024 M 3.3 - 18 Design Thinking im virtuellen Raum zum Entwickeln innovativer LehrformateBy Geschäftsstelle HochschuldidaktikRead more
Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| 18.11.2024 M2.2/M3.3 b Forschendes Lernen - von der Haltung zum DesignBy Geschäftsstelle HochschuldidaktikRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 18.11.2024 The Question is What is The Question – Ensuring Survey Data Quality With Good Questionnaire Designs (DSC-2024-08)By Data Science CenterRead more
Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| 21.11.2024 Brick by Brick: Making Survey Data FAIR with LEGO® (DSC-2024-09)By Data Science CenterRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 25.11.2024 Finding Nemo: The Art of Sequence Data Analysis (Metabarcoding 2) (DSC-2024-10)By Data Science CenterRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 26.11.2024 Data extraction from external online resources using RBy Data TrainRead more
Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 26.11.2024 Navigating Sustainability: Eco-Responsible Research StrategiesBy YUFE Pilot Programme on Doctoral Learning / only registered members of the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme are eligble to participate Read more
Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| 27.11.2024 Drittmittelakquise für die Post-Doc-PhaseBy PersonalentwicklungRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 27.11.2024 Klassisches Projektmanagement und TeamarbeitBy Career Center Read more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 28.11.2024 Stärken nutzen: Als Introvertierte*r in der Wissenschaft überzeugenBy BYRDRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 02.12.2024 Faster, Harder, Data – Introduction Into Web Survey Design (DSC-2024-11) By Data Science CenterRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 04.12.2024 Activate Your Personal Resources: How to stay healthy and focused in academiaBy BYRDRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 11.12.2024 Revise, Rewrite, Review: How to edit your academic texts as a non-native speakerBy BYRDRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 11.12.2024 Change-Management – Den betrieblichen Wandel gestalten und begleitenBy Career CenterRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 16.12.2024 Einführung in die Methoden der PR & ÖffentlichkeitsarbeitBy Career CenterRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 08.01.2025 Mitarbeitenden-Führung und Burnout-PräventionBy Career CenterRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 22.01.2025 Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre für Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaftler:innenBy Career CenterRead more
Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 05.02.2025 Visual Tools Kompakt – Flipcharts, Sketchnotes und Kognitive Landkarten in Lehre und WissenschaftBy PersonalentwicklungRead more
Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| 05.02.2025 M1.3 engl. Examining CompetencesBy Geschäftsstelle HochschuldidaktikRead more
Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 06.02.2025 Navigating Sustainability: Eco-Responsible Research StrategiesBy YUFE Pilot Programme on Doctoral Learning / only registered members of the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme are eligble to participate Read more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 11.02.2025 Nachhaltiges InnovationsmanagementBy Career CenterRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 12.02.2025 Projektmanagement - Basiswissen und PraxisBy PersonalentwicklungRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 17.02.2025 Künstliche Intelligenz in der ArbeitsweltBy Career CenterRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 18.02.2025 Leadership 1: Führungskompetenzen kennen lernen und entwickelnBy Career CenterRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 19.02.2025 Leadership 2: Digital Leadership – Die neue Herausforderung an die Führung kennen lernen und anwendenBy Career CenterRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 21.02.2025 Authentic career management and leadershipBy Career CenterRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 25.02.2025 Effektive Organisation - effizientes ZeitmanagementBy Career CenterRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 25.02.2025 Blockchain – Eine Technologie mit vielen AnwendungsfeldernBy Career CenterRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 03.03.2025 Rhetorisch überzeugen mit Inhalt, Körper und StimmeBy PersonalentwicklungRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 12.03.2025 Empowerment for women: Trust in your own strengthsBy Career CenterRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 17.03.2025 Is it all AI - or something?! All you need to know about Chat GPT, ATS and similar features By Career CenterRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 18.03.2025 Bewerbungswissen kompakt (Online-Workshop)By PersonalentwicklungRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 24.03.2025 Effektive Zusammenarbeit im TeamBy PersonalentwicklungRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 24.03.2025 Strategisches Management - Die wichtigsten Management-ToolsBy Career CenterRead more
MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| 17.07.2025 Beziehungsmanagement / Konstruktive Interaktionen für Menschen im Berufs- und AlltagslebenBy PersonalentwicklungRead more
Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses| 05.09.2025 Unternehmen kaufen statt gründen - so geht´sBy PersonalentwicklungRead more