navigare - Career Coaching for International Females in Science
starting in November 2019
What is navigare about?
The coaching programme navigare addresses international female early career researchers who consider a career in science. The main objective of the programme is to support women in framing their own career objectives and to help them prepare and position themselves for a successful (further) scientific career. The participants will acquire central competences for career management in science in an international context. The science system itself and its gender-specific demands for women will play an important role.
navigare is open to female ECR who aim for a professorship or leadership position in science and who belong to one of the supporting institutions (see below).
Women in science
Intensive research and teaching, collaborating with international partners from different disciplines, a vivid, flexible and cross-cultural working environment are important motivations for a scientific career. At the same time, working in a (foreign) academic system leads to many challenges. These range from different role-expectations (including gender roles), intercultural relations, to the understanding of career perspectives and structural differences in the higher education systems. In the context of high mobility requirements, an academic career places special demands on scientists with family responsibilities. In addition, outstanding scientific qualifications alone are often not sufficient for a successful career. Women in particular therefore frequently ask themselves whether they should pursue a scientific career and take the stony path to professorship.
navigare focuses on challenges and informal obstacles that especially women in international working environments might face. Together with a group of peers, the participants will learn reflection and coping strategies to actively develop their own career in the international science context. During the one-year programme, they will have the opportunity to build the basis for a strong network for mutual exchange and support.
Programme Schedule

For the final enrolment for the navigare programme, please contact Dipl.Psych. Susanne Abeld
E-Mail: chancen4protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.
Fri. 29.11.2019 9:00 am – 1:00 pm | Kick-Off Workshop |
Thu. 16.01.2020 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Module 1: Science Compass. Working and Career Opportunities in German Academia |
Thu. 20.02.2020 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Module 2: Self-Marketing. Strengthening Self-awareness and Skills |
Thu. 26.03.2020 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Module 3: Career Paths. Career Perspectives Inside and Outside of Academia |
Thu. 14.05.2020 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Module 4: Building Networks in International Environments and Teatime |
Thu. 09.07.2020 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Module 5: Conflict Management and Resilience |
Thu. 24.09.2020 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Module 6: Sustainable Dialogues. Effective Communication in Academic Settings |
Thu. 29.10.2020 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Module 7: Cross-Cultural Collaboration. International Teamwork in Academia. |
Fri. 03.12.2020 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Final Evaluation Workshop |
Admission requirements
To participate in the navigare programme, we ask you the following:
- an above-average commitment to developing your career in science,
- self-responsibility for achieving your objectives,
- a high motivation to learn with the group,
- sufficient resources of time and binding participation,
- an interest in reflecting gender biases in science.
At the end of navigare you will be given a certificate. To be able to certify your participation, you need to attend at least 75% of the seminars.
Dr. Christine Issa is advisor, trainer, coach (DGfC) and partner of SAMINWORLD in Düsseldorf; a company specialized in supporting cross-cultural collaboration in science, economy and academic development cooperation. She has a long-standing working experience in industry and scientific project management. She works as an advisor for collaborations in higher education development in Afghanistan. She conducts coaching and trainings for universities, scientific institutions and companies, nationally and internationally.
Application procedure
- Apply for participation in the half-day kick-off workshop until 11 November 2019 via the MAPEX or MARUM website.
- Attend the half-day kick-off workshop (29 November 2019) where you will have the chance to meet the trainer as well as the other participants. You will learn more about the aims and topics addressed with the navigare programme. During the week following this workshop, you are asked to finally decide whether you want to participate or not.
- Binding registration until 6 December 2019.
For the final enrolment for the navigare programme, please contact Dipl. Psych. Susanne Abeld, E-Mail: chancen4protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.
Supporting institutions
The coaching programme navigare is organized by the Equal Opportunities Office and is a joint initiative of the following institutions:
- MAPEX – Center for Materials and Processes
- MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
- DFG - funded Collaborative Research Centers (SFB 1232, SFB TR 136) and Research Training Groups (MIMENIMA, QM³, π³) at the University of Bremen
- Excellence Cluster “The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface”
- Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences (GLOMAR)
In general, navigare is open to all female ECRs affiliated to the institutions mentioned above. Please contact the following persons in order to clarify if the costs can be covered in your case:
RTG 1860 MIMENIMA | RTG 2247 QM3 | RTG 2224 ∏3 | |
Michaela Wilhelm phone: 0421 218-64944 | Sandra Smit phone: 0421 218-62341 | Iwona Piotrowska phone: 0421 218-63810 | |
MAPEX | CRC 1232 | CRC/TR 136 | MARUM and GLOMAR |
Hanna Lührs phone: 0421 218-64580 | Nils Ellendt / Lydia Achelis phone: 0421 218- 64519 / 51222 | Jens Sölter phone: 0421 218-51187 | Christina Klose phone: 0421 218-65653 |