Research Highlights

Investigation of the dealloying front in partially corroded alloys

Christoph Mahr, Jorge Adrian Tapia Burgos, Marco Schowalter, Arne Wittstock, Andreas Rosenauer

Materials Research Letters 10 (2022): 824-831

Nanoporous gold as obtained by corrosion of alloys of gold and a less noble metal is a system with manifold applications. The process of dealloying, however, can result in partially porous samples, when dealloying conditions are not optimized with respect to composition and pre-treatment of the master alloy. In the present work, we investigate the dealloying interface between porous material and non-porous alloy in two samples, in which dealloying either stopped automatically or was interrupted manually. Reasons for unintended termination of dealloying in the former case are suggested.

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