Research Projects

Influencer Branding

Influencer Branding

Several research projects investigate how influencers become own brands in social media (human branding) and which factors need to be considered by companies when choosing suitable influencers.  

Science-Practice-Gap in Branding

Qualitative and quantitative studies in cooperation with the University of Queensland investigate how to improve the knowledge transfer between science and business practice in the field of brand management.



Online Privacy Customization

This research project develops a privacy management approach, which gives consumers improved control over their personal data collected by firms for advertising activities.

Coming Out of a Recession

This DFG research project looks at the question of how economic fluctuations (especially recessions) influence buying behavior of consumers. This question will be answered based on a panel data setincluding 20.000 German households.




This project is located in a DFG research group and investigates how the usage of game-like elements can help to increase the motivation during data collections.


Duft und Vertrauen

Fragrance and confidence

This research projects investigates how scent as a sensory stimulus can influence the different dimensions of trust perception of humans.