SpaceMat 2020 speakers

Chiara Pedersoli, member of executive board of OHB System AG

Material for space applications – Challenges and new frontiers for OHB

OHB business fields cover a multitude of different satellites, orbits, applications for space and therefore different challenges for the materials used in the different designs.

After a brief introduction on the company business width, a more detailed view of the materials used for structure and optics will be given. With a focus on the future challenges and the new technological studies.

 Chiara Pedersoli is member of the management board of OHB System AG and is responsible for Engineering and AIT (Assembly Integration and Testing). Chiara Joined OHB System 10 years ago, after working for ESA, DLR, Eumetsat and Airbus. Chiara studied Aerospace Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan and has worked on several missions, from Smart-1 to Champ and Grace, to MSG, MTG and Giove-B (one of Galileo experimental satellites).

Chiara Pedersoli
Updated by: MAPEX