With the help of the Bremen State and University Library, we succeeded in publishing a study on microelectronics in the GDR written in 1990. It could not be published at the time during the turbulence of reunification. The book was penned by a renowned GDR scientist who, as a senior employee of the Academy of Sciences, dealt with the subject for many years and critically accompanied its development.
In the book, Professor Wolfgang Marschall examines the pros and cons of promoting microelectronics in the GDR and thus provides interesting insights into an economically relevant area of economic policy at the time that was worth billions. In addition, he outlines development perspectives for the industry that were realised in a very similar form in the following years and decades.
The work, provided by the project with a short introduction, is freely available under a public domain licence as a PDF document at the following quotable web address https://doi.org/10.26092/elib/1809.
We hope all the interested readers will enjoy the read!