Prof. Dr. Udo Ludwig took part in a research colloquium on the economic history of the German nation at the University of Bamberg on April 6, 2019. In this context, he reported on the measurement of economic performance and welfare in times of German dictatorships, titled: "Growth of the gross domestic product in Germany until 1945 and in the GDR from 1950 to 1989".
In the research project "Obstacles to Modernization in the economy and science of the GDR", professor Ludwig contributes his expertise above all to sub-project 1. Therein, he deals with the modernization blockades in the GDR and with the productivity gap of the GDR in comparison to the FRG. Udo Ludwig is a macroeconomist and has analysed the reconstruction of the East German economy since the beginning in the 1990ies. In addition, he is also valued as an experienced partner for discussions concerning other areas of the project.