
International mobility for students

International Office Erasmus Flyer

Erasmus – stays abroad in Europe

International Office Studien Austausch weltweit Flyer

Semesters abroad for students at partner universities around the world (outside of the EU)

International Office Promos Flyer

PROMOS – Program for the enhancement of the mobility of German students

International Office Praktikum Europa Flyer

Internships across Europe – Grant programs

International Office Praktika weltweit Flyer

Internships across the world – Grant programs

International Office Internships Flyer

Internships abroad - Grant programs for international students

DAAD Studieren im Ausland Broschüre

DAAD studying abroad

DAAD Praktikum im Ausland Broschüre

DAAD internships abroad

DAAD Kürzere Auslandsaufenthalte Broschüre

DAAD short stays abroad

International students


Bremen at a glance

Come for an Exchange

Studying at the University 2021/22


What can I study at the University of Bremen?

Short videos about the University of Bremen


Master's Studies at the University of Bremen

Kompass International (English)

International scholars

Welcome Center

Research Ambassdors

Grant programs for refugee and at-risk scholars