Career Center Universität Bremen

Career Center Universität Bremen

Career Center University of Bremen

The Career Center is a joint service of the University of Bremen and the Agentur für Arbeit Bremen-Bremerhaven (Employment Agency Bremen-Bremerhaven). The Career Center offers support for students who want to prepare themselves for future employment as well as for alumni and scientific workers who have already started their careers.

The Career Center provides information and advising about application strategies (national and international), developments in the job market, internships and jobs in Germany and abroad, individual professional development, and career orientation for people with and without a university degree. These services are for students, alumni, and scientific workers at the University of Bremen.

Address: Zentralbereich ZB-B, B 0570 (via the passageway to the Mensa/cafeteria next to the university’s theater hall)

Further information can be found on our website

Until further notice, our counselling will take place exclusively by telephone and e-mail as well as digitally.

Contact details of our counsellors

Rebekah Cramer

Counselling for International Students, International Graduates & International Research assistants (until further notice via telephone, email or video conferencing systems)

Tel.: +49 (0)421-218-6 10 37
E-Mail: rcramerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Angela Schütte

Advice for students, graduates and research assistants who want to apply for an internship or a job abroad. Counselling by appointment only (until further notice via telephone, email or video conferencing systems)

E-Mail: aschuettprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Julia Bohlmann

Tel.: +49 (0)4791-9213-20
julia.bohlmannprotect me ?!arbeitsagenturprotect me ?!.de


Brigitte Gauder

Tel.: +49 (0)421-178-1353
Brigitte.Gauderprotect me ?!arbeitsagenturprotect me ?!.de


Dr. Bernd Lienstädt

Tel.: +49 (0)421-178-2520
Bernd.Lienstaedtprotect me ?!arbeitsagenturprotect me ?!.de


The job placement service can only be reached by telephone on 0421 / 178-11 73!

Opening hours:
 Monday to Friday from 08:00 - 12:30 and Thursday from 15:00 - 18:00

Zwei Mädchen und ein Junge schauen auf Unterlagen aus dem Studium
Zwei Personen mit Warnweste geben eine Info, wo eine Intressierte Person ein bestimmtes Gebäude findet