Field of work Organizational Psychology


Cover of Journal of Vocational Behavior

Publication in the renowned Journal of Vocational Behavior

After a long and intensive peer-review process, the article "Active learning, active shaping, or both? A cross-lagged panel analysis of reciprocal effects between work design and informal workplace learning, and the mediating role of job crafting" has been accepted for publication in the prestigious…

Young people work at a laptop.

Publication on Work-Related Learning and Employability

Should organizations be concerned about investing in work-based learning for their employees? Do they increase internal employability or external employability, which makes employees attractive to competitors on the labor market? Dr. Julian Decius, Dr. Michael Knappstein (ISM Dortmund) and Dr.…

Group picture

SIOP Conference in Boston

Dr. Julian Decius presented current research from the field of work Organizational Psychology at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) in Boston (April 19-22, 2023). As part of a symposium organized by Gabrielle Danna and Jason G. Randall (both at…

Gemeinsames Arbeitsgespräch.

Publication on Servant Leadership

Servant leadership increases the adaptive performance of employees. Together with a Pakistani research team around Dr. Muhammed Qamar Zia, Dr. Julian Decius investigated the mechanisms that explain this process and the role played by job embeddedness and burnout. The calculations of the study in the…

White Paper photo

Whitepaper on Competence Development and Qualification in Organizations

Research in organizational psychology on work-related learning usually focuses on the perspective of companies. However, since co-determination and co-design of learning by employees also play an important role in competence development and further training, Dr. Julian Decius, together with Michael…


Talk at the University of Mainz on Work-related Learning

Under the title "Learning in the work context – a chore or an underestimated opportunity?", Dr. Julian Decius presented his research on work-related learning upon invitation by Dr. Miriam Schilbach (Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research) at the Institute Colloquium of Psychology at the…

Personal quarterly Journal

New Article on Corporate Purpose

"How much purpose does work need?" This is the title of the current issue of PERSONALquarterly, for which Dr. Julian Decius, together with Prof. Dr. Heiko Weckmüller (Koblenz University of Applied Sciences) and Dr. Michael Knappstein (ISM Dortmund), authored an empirical article on how communicating…

Job Wallowing

Participation in the DGPs Congress in Hildesheim

Dr. Julian Decius presented research of the field of work "Organizational Psychology" at the congress of the German Society of Psychology (DGPs), which took place in Hildesheim, Germany, Sept. 12-15, 2022. A symposium organized by Julian Decius as session chair together with Prof. Dr. Carolin…

group photo EARLI SIG14-Konferenz, Paderborn

EARLI SIG14 conference

From August 17-19, 2022, the international EARLI SIG14 conference took place in Paderborn, Germany, where Dr. Julian Decius was involved in three presentations. First, together with his co-authors Dr. Michael Knappstein and Dr. Andreas Seifert, he presented a new typology on metacognitions and…

picture of Julian Decius

Academy of Management Meeting

Dr. Julian Decius presented his research at the annual Academy of Management Meeting in Seattle, USA. The focus of his talk was the introduction of a new conceptual model for integrating self-regulated and informal learning, taking into account previously neglected cognitive and metacognitive…

People and topics

Photo of Dr. Julian Decius

Dr. Julian Decius


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Phone: +49 421 218 66590
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Gemeinsames Arbeitsgespräch.

Learning processes over time

This topic focuses on how (informal) learning behavior in organizations changes over days, weeks, and months. Moreover, we analyze the dynamics of work-related learning and how learning trajectories differ between employees.

Ein Modell einer Montagehalle mit der Aufschrift "Technikstation".

Designing work contexts

The goal of this thematic focus is to examine conducive conditions for work-related learning, employability, and organizational development, both by managers (e.g., shaping learning culture) and by employees (e.g., job crafting).

Eine Person bedient ein Tablet.

New Work requires New Learning

This topic is dedicated to the question of how employees in dynamic work environments can be empowered to learn "what they really, really want" in a self-directed way. The "Learning Opportunities Perception Potential", which helps employees to grasp learning opportunities, is considered crucial here.