
* Shared first authorship


Decius, J.*, Kortsch, T.*, & Schmitz, A.* (in press). Does Combination Matter? A Latent Profile Analysis of Experiences with (Non-)Digital Learning Offers and Basic Need Satisfaction at Work. In HICSS (Ed.), Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Graßmann, C.*, & Decius, J.* (2023). Self-development in the twenty-first century: An exploratory analysis of the relationship between new work characteristics and informal workplace learning. Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO). Advance Online publication.

Decius, J., & Hein, J. (2023). Motivated to Learn? Investigating the Link of Achievement Goals and Informal Workplace Learning of Lecturers in Higher Education. Human Resource Development Quarterly. Advance Online publication.

Decius, J., Schaper, N., Klug, K., & Seifert, A. (2023). Active learning, active shaping, or both? A cross-lagged panel analysis of reciprocal effects between work design and informal workplace learning, and the mediating role of job crafting. Journal of Vocational Behavior. Advance Online Publication.

Decius, J., Knappstein, M., & Klug, K. (2023). Which Way of Learning Benefits Your Career? The Role of Different Forms of Work-related Learning for Different Types of Perceived Employability. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. Advance Online Publication.

Zia, M. Q., Decius, J., Naveed, M., Ahmed, S., & Ghouri, S. (2023). Committed, Healthy, and Engaged? Linking Servant Leadership and Adaptive Performance Through Sequential Mediation by Job Embeddedness and Burnout. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. Advance Online Publication.

Decius, J., & Decius, L. (2022). Sovereign Workplace Learning: A Process Model to Integrate Self-regulated and Informal Learning. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1), 14907.

Decius, J., Dannowsky, J., & Schaper, N. (2022). The casual within the formal: A model and measure of informal learning in higher education. Active Learning in Higher Education. Advance online publication.

Zia, M. Q., Decius, J., Naveed, M., & Anwar, A. (2022). Transformational Leadership Promoting Employees' Informal Learning and Job Involvement: The Moderating Role of Self-efficacy. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. Advance online publication.

Decius, J., Kortsch, T., Paulsen, H., & Schmitz, A. (2022). Learning What you Really, Really Want: Towards a Conceptual Framework of New Learning in the Digital Work Environment. In Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 5231-5240).

Hilkenmeier, F., Fechtelpeter, C., & Decius, J. (2021). How to foster innovation in SMEs: Evidence of the effectiveness of a project-based technology transfer approach. The Journal of Technology Transfer. Advance online publication.

Decius, J., Knappstein, M., Schaper, N., & Seifert, A. (2021). Investigating the Multidimensionality of Informal Learning: Validation of a Short Measure for White-Collar Workers. Human Resource Development Quarterly. Advance online publication.

Decius, J., Dannowsky, J., & Schaper, N. (2021). Die Studierenden im Mittelpunkt – Personale Unterschiede beim informellen und formalen Lernen in Zeiten virtueller Lehre [Focusing on students – Personal differences in informal and formal learning in times of virtual teaching]. InI. Neiske, J. Osthushenrich, N. Schaper, U. Trier, & N. Vöing (Eds.), Hochschule auf Abstand. Ein multiperspektivischer Zugang zur digitalen Lehre (pp. 89-113). transcript.

Decius, J., Schaper, N., & Seifert, A. (2021). The Hen-Egg Problem of Informal Workplace Learning & Work Design: The Mediating Role of Job Crafting. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1), 11669.

Decius, J., & Schaper, N. (2021). Strategische Kompetenzentwicklung in gewerblichen Betrieben: Die Kompetenzmanagementtabelle (KMT) [Strategic competence development in industrial companies: The competence management tool (KMT)]. Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 52(2), 261-277.

Decius, J. (2021). Kompetenzdiagnose im Wirtschaftsbereich Fußballsport: Das Kompetenzinventar Profifußball (KIPF) [Competence diagnosis in the business field of football: The Competence Inventory for Professional Football (KIPF)]. Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 52(2), 341-360.

Decius, J., Schaper, N., & Seifert, A. (2021). Work characteristics or workers’ characteristics? An input-process-output perspective on informal workplace learning of blue-collar workers. Vocations and Learning, 14(2), 285-326.

Decius, J., Schaper, N., & Seifert, A. (2019). Informal workplace learning: Development and validation of a measure. Human Resource Development Quarterly,30(4), 495-535.

Decius, J., & Schaper, N. (2017). The Competence Management Tool (CMT) – A new instrument to manage competences in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. Procedia Manufacturing, 9, 376-383.

Schaper, N., Decius, J., & Kauffeld, S. (2023). Formen und Bedingungen des arbeitsbezogenen Lernens in einer sich dynamisch wandelnden Arbeitswelt [Shapes and conditions of work-related learning in a dynamically changing world of work]. Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 54(3), 281-287.

Kortsch, T., Decius, J., & Paulsen, H. (2023, im Druck). Lernen in Unternehmen – formal, informell, selbstreguliert [Learning in companies – formal, informal, self-regulated] (Praxis der Personalpsychologie, Band 43). Hogrefe. ISBN 978-3-8017-3093-2

Decius, J., & Gensler, M. (2023). Kompetenzentwicklung, Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung im Betrieb – Formales, informelles und selbstreguliertes Lernen am Arbeitsplatz [Competence development, qualification and further training in the company - formal, informal and self-regulated learning at the workplace]. TBS Whitepaper, 2023(1), 1-14.

Decius, J., Knappstein M., & Weckmüller, H. (2023). Die Wirkung der Kommunikation eines Corporate Purpose auf die Arbeitgeberattraktivität [The effect of communicating a corporate purpose on employer attractiveness]. PERSONALquarterly, 75(1), 22-26.

Decius, J. (2022). Informelles Lernen im industriellen Arbeitskontext: Was es ist und wie es sich fördern lässt [Informal learning in the industrial work context: What it is and how it can be promoted]. ABWF Bulletin, 2022(1), 14-21.

Decius, J. (2021). Zu den wechselseitigen Zusammenhängen des informellen Lernens mit den Arbeitsbedingungen bei älteren Beschäftigten: Offene Fragen für Wissenschaft und Praxis [On the reciprocal associations of informal learning with working conditions among older employees: Open questions for science and practice]. In G. Richter (Ed.), Arbeit und Altern: Eine Bilanz nach 20 Jahren Forschung und Praxis (pp. 387-399). Nomos.

Decius, J., & Schaper, N. (2021). Informelles Lernen am Arbeitsplatz – eine Frage der Demografie und Branche? [Informal workplace learning – a matter of demographics and industry?]. PERSONALquarterly, 73(2), 23-29.

Kortsch, T., Decius, J., & Paulsen, H. (2021). „New Learning“: Wie sich das Lernen bei der Arbeit verändert ["New Learning": How learning at work is changing]. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 2021(1), 44-48. ISSN: 1611-9207

Decius, J. (2020). Informelles Lernen im Kontext industrieller Arbeit – Konzeptualisierung, Operationalisierung, Antezedenzien und Lernergebnisse [Informal Learning within the context of industrial work – Conceptualization, operationalization, antecedents, and learning outcomes] (cumulative dissertation thesis). Paderborn University.

Paulsen, H., & Decius, J. (2020). Lernen bei Schiedsrichtern [Learning among referees] (research report).

Decius, J., Schaper., N., & Bender, E. (2018). Lösungsansatz und Gestaltungsoptionen eines Kompetenzmessinstruments für nicht-forschungsintensive KMU [Solution approach and design options of a competence measurement tool for non-research-intensive SMEs]. In D. Horvat, N. Schaper, A. Virgillito, & J. Decius (Eds.), Gestaltung eines strategischen Kompetenzmanagements - Lösungsansätze und Instrumente für nichtforschungsintensive, mittelständische Unternehmen (pp. 59-77). Fraunhofer IRB. ISBN: 978-3-8396-1293-4

Horvat, D., Schaper, N., Virgillito, A., & Decius, J. (Eds.) (2018). Gestaltung eines strategischen Kompetenzmanagements – Lösungsansätze und Instrumente für nichtforschungsintensive, mittelständische Unternehmen [Design of strategic competence management – Approaches and instruments for non-research-intensive, medium-sized enterprises]. Fraunhofer IRB. ISBN: 978-3-8396-1293-4

Güth, S., Decius, J., Horvat, D., Schaper, N., & Virgillito, A. (2017). Strategisches Kompetenzmanagement von Produktionsbeschäftigen – Innovations- und Wachstumsimpulse in nicht-forschungsintensiven kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen [Strategic competence management of production employees – innovation and growth impulses in non-research-intensive small and medium-sized enterprises]. In D. Ahrens, & G. Molzberger (Eds.), Kompetenzentwicklung in analogen und digitalisierten Arbeitswelten.Kompetenzmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 31-49). Springer.

Abel, J., Decius, J., Güth, S., & Schaper, N. (2016). Kompetenzentwicklung bei Un- und Angelernten in nicht-forschungsintensiven KMU– Status quo und Zukunft einer strategischen Notwendigkeit [Competence development of unskilled and semi-skilled workers in non-research-intensive SMEs – Status quo and future of a strategic necessity]. Betriebspraxis, & Arbeitsforschung, 228, 41-50. ISSN: 2191-6268

* Shared first authorship


Decius, J., Knappstein, M., & Heinemann, L. (2023). Die Macht der dunklen Seite: Eine videobasierte Vignettenstudie über unerwünschte Wissensweitergabe durch informelles Lernen [The power of the dark side: A video-based vignette study of unwanted knowledge sharing through informal learning]. Beitrag präsentiert auf der 13. Tagung der Fachgruppe AOW- und Ingenieurspsychologie der DGPs, 15.09.2023, Kassel.

Decius, J. (2023). Wissen vor anderen verbergen, trotzdem dazulernen? Wechselwirkungen zwischen Knowledge Hiding und informellem Lernen am Arbeitsplatz [Hiding knowledge from others, yet learning? Interactions between knowledge hiding and informal workplace learning]. Beitrag präsentiert auf der 13. Tagung der Fachgruppe AOW- und Ingenieurspsychologie der DGPs, 13.09.2023, Kassel.

Creon, L.*, Decius, J.*, Graßmann, C.*, & Lorber, A. (2023). Wer hilft am besten? Eine Meta-Analyse zu sozialer Unterstützung und informellem Lernen am Arbeitsplatz [Who helps best? A meta-analysis on social support and informal workplace learning]. Beitrag präsentiert auf der 13. Tagung der Fachgruppe AOW- und Ingenieurspsychologie der DGPs, 13.09.2023, Kassel.

Schilbach, M.*, Decius, J.*, & Graßmann, C. (2023). Gelegenheit macht Lernende? Eine Challenge-Hindrance-Perspektive auf arbeitsbezogene Lerngelegenheiten [Opportunity makes learners? A challenge-hindrance perspective on work-related learning opportunities]. Beitrag präsentiert auf der 13. Tagung der Fachgruppe AOW- und Ingenieurspsychologie der DGPs, 13.09.2023, Kassel.

Decius, J.*, Graßmann, C.*, & Creon, L. (2023). When is Social Support Beneficial for Informal Learning? A Meta-Analysis. Paper presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Annual Conference, 21.04.2023, Boston.


Decius, J. (2022). Job Wallowing: Wenn Mitarbeitende auf ihre Arbeitserfolge zurückblicken [Job Wallowing: When employees look back on their work successes]. Paper presented at the DGPs Congress, 15.09.2022, Hildesheim.

Bunzel, C.*, Decius, J.*, & Messerli, D.* (2022). Crafting me Happy? The Role of Job Crafting for Wellbeing of Gig Workers in Algorithmic Work Contexts. Paper presented at the DGPs Congress, 15.09.2022, Hildesheim.

Decius, J., Knappstein, M., & Klug, K. (2022). Informelles Lernen für die unternehmensinterne Karriere? Ein differenzierter Blick auf drei Formen arbeitsbezogenen Lernens, vier Arten von Employability, und die Rolle von Stress [Informal learning for in-house careers? A differentiated look at three forms of work-related learning, four types of employability, and the role of stress]. Paper presented at the DGPs Congress, 13.09.2022, Hildesheim.

Graßmann, C.*, Decius, J.*, & Creon, L.* (2022). Zur Wirksamkeit von Lernen am Arbeitsplatz: Erkenntnisse aus einer sekundären Meta-Analyse [On the effectiveness of workplace learning: Evidence from a secondary meta-analysis]. Paper presented at the DGPs Congress, 13.09.2022, Hildesheim.

Decius, J., Knappstein, M., & Seifert, A. (2022). Off Your Own Bat or Aided by Others? An Investment-Reward Typology of Metacognition and Social Support for Self-Development at Work. Paper presented at the EARLI SIG 14 Conference, 17.08.2022, Paderborn.

Raemdonck, I., Decius, J., Knappstein, M., & Gijbels, D. (2022). The Self-Directed Learning Orientation (SDLO) Scale: Development and Validation Across Four Languages in Five Countries. Paper presented at the EARLI SIG 14 Conference, 19.08.2022, Paderborn.

Hilkenmeier, F., Fechtelpeter, C., & Decius, J. (2022). How to Foster Innovation in SMEs: Evidence of the Effectiveness of a Project-Based Technology Transfer Approach. Paper presented at the EARLI SIG 14 Conference, 19.08.2022, Paderborn.


Decius, J., & Rosing, F. (2021). The Influence of Leader Humor on the Relationship Between Learning Culture and Informal Workplace Learning among Nurses: Boon or Bane? Paper presented at the 12th meeting of the AOW and Engineering Psychology Division of the DGPs, 23.09.2021, Chemnitz.

Decius, J., Knappstein, M., & Schaper, N. (2021). Die Rolle von Metakognitionen und sozialer Unterstützung für das informelle Lernen am Arbeitsplatz [The role of metacognitions and social support in informal workplace learning]. Paper presented at the 12th meeting of the AOW and Engineering Psychology Division of the DGPs, 23.09.2021, Chemnitz.

Decius, J., Schaper, N., & Seifert, A. (2021). Informal Workplace Learning and Work Design: A Cross-Lagged-Panel Approach. Paper presented at the virtual 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP), 22.07.2021.


Decius, J., Schaper, N., & Seifert, A. (2020). Investigating the hen-egg problem: A cross-lagged panel approach to informal workplace learning and working conditions. Paper presented at the 9th PDRnet Research Symposium, 03.03.2020, Antwerp.


Decius, J., & Schaper, N. (2019). Wie wirken Interventionsmaßnahmen zur Kommunikationsförderung auf das informelle Lernen am Arbeitsplatz? [What is the impact of communication facilitation interventions on informal workplace learning?] Paper presented at the 11th meeting of the AOW Division of the DGPs, 26.09.2019, Braunschweig.

Decius, J., Dannowsky, J., & Schaper, N. (2019). Informelles Lernen im Studium: Übertragung und Validierung einer Skala aus dem Industriearbeitskontext [Informal learning in higher education: transfer and validation of a scale from an industrial work context]. Paper presented at the paEpsy conference, 10.09.2019, Leipzig.

Decius, J., & Schaper, N. (2019). Validation of a scale to measure informal learning among students. Paper presented at the 18th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, 16.08.2019, Aachen.

Decius, J., & Schaper, N. (2019). Which competencies does a professional soccer player require and how can we measure these? Paper presented at the FEPSAC Congress, 17.07.2019, Münster.

Decius, J., & Schaper, N. (2019). The impact of different types of organizational change on informal workplace learning. Paper presented at the EAWOP Congress, 30.05.2019, Turin.


Paulsen, H., & Decius, J. (2018). Nach dem Spiel ist vor dem Spiel: Informelles Lernen bei Fußballschiedsrichtern [After the game is before the game: Informal learning among soccer referees]. Paper presented at the 51st Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), 19.09.2018, Frankfurt.

Decius, J., & Schaper, N. (2018). Welche Kompetenzen benötigt ein Profi-Fußballspieler und wie lassen sich diese messen? [What competencies does a professional soccer player need and how can they be measured?]. Paper presented at the 51st Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), 19.09.2018, Frankfurt.

Decius, J. (2018). Erfolg bei Profi-Fußballspielern – Welche Rolle spielen Glück und Pech im Karriereverlauf? [Success in professional soccer players – What role do luck and bad luck play in career progression?]. Flashlight contribution presented at the 51st Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), 18.09.2018, Frankfurt.

Decius, J., Schaper, N., & Seifert, A. (2018). Personal and organizational antecedents of informal learning in the workplace. Paper presented at the EARLISIG14 Conference, 13.09.2018, Geneva.

Decius, J., Schaper, N., & Seifert, A. (2018). The role of informal learning as a mediator between learning culture and work-related learning outcomes. Paper presented at the JURE Congress, 02.07.2018, Antwerp.

Paulsen, H., & Decius, J. (2018). How to learn refereeing: Informal learning and use of performance strategies among soccer referees. Poster presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Sport Psychology (asp), 11.05.2018, Cologne.


Decius, J., & Schaper, N. (2017). Zur Dimensionalität des informellen Lernens: Wie kann das Lernverhalten erfasst werden kann und welche Auswirkungen hat es auf das Arbeitshandeln? [On the dimensionality of informal learning: How can learning behavior be captured and what are its implications for work action?]. Paper presented at the 10th meeting of the AOW Division of the DGPs, 15.09.2017, Dresden.

Decius, J., & Erdmann, N. (2017). Berufsfeld Profifußball – Wie lässt sich der Karriereerfolg von professionellen Fußballspielern messbar machen? [Career field professional soccer – How can the career success of professional soccer players be measured?].Paper presented at the 10th meeting of the AOW Division of the DGPs, 14.09.2017, Dresden.

Decius, J., & Ossenschmidt, D. (2017). Veröffentlichungsverhalten von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern auf Fachkongressen – Welche Rolle spielen karrierestrategische Überlegungen? [Publication Behavior of Young Scientists at Professional Conferences – What Role Do Career Strategic Considerations Play?]. Paper presented at the 10th meeting of the AOW Division of the DGPs, 14.09.2017, Dresden.

Decius, J., & Schaper, N. (2017). Measuring informal learning behavior and learning outcomes of blue-collar workers – A basis for organizational learning. Paper presented at the EAWOP Congress, 20.05.2017, Dublin.

Decius, J., & Schaper, N. (2017). The Competence Management Tool (CMT) – A new instrument to manage competences in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. Paper presented at the 7th Conference on Learning Factories, 05.04.2017, Darmstadt.

Paulsen, H., & Decius, J. (2017). Vor dem Spiel ist nach dem Spiel! Ein Überblick und Ausblick über psychologische Forschung zu Fußballschiedsrichtern [Before the match is after the match! An overview and outlook on psychological research on soccer referees]. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Sport Psychology (asp), 25.03.2017, Bern.


Decius, J., & Hossiep, R. (2016). Persönlichkeitsunterschiede bei Spitzenkräften im Fußballsport und in Wirtschaftsunternehmen [Personality differences among top executives in soccer and business organizations]. Poster presented at the 50th Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), 19.09.2016, Leipzig.

Decius, J. (2016). Individual Success and Personality of Professional Soccer Players: How Self-Report and Objective Performance Data Differ. Paper presented at the 10th dvs-Sportspiel-Symposium, & the 6th International TGfU Conference, 25.07.2016, Cologne.

Decius, J. (2016). Der Zusammenhang von Persönlichkeit und individuellem Erfolg im Profifußball: Welchen Einfluss hat die Spielposition? [The connection between personality and individual success in professional soccer: What influence does playing position have?].Poster presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Sport Psychology (asp), 06.05.2016, Münster.

Decius, J., & Schaper, N. (2016). Konzeption und Erprobung eines Instrumentariums zur strategisch orientierten Kompetenzerfassung und Bedarfsermittlung bei Produktionsbeschäftigten in nichtforschungsintensiven KMU [Conception and piloting of an instrument for strategically oriented competence assessment and needs assessment of production employees in non-research-intensive SMEs]. Paper presented at the conference of the Research Focus "Operational Competence Management in Demographic Change", 19.02.2016, Hildesheim.

Decius, J. (2016). Erfassung und Förderung informellen Lernverhaltens bei gering qualifizierten Mitarbeitern in der Produktion [Assessment and support of informal learning behavior among low-skilled production employees]. Poster presented at the conference of the Research Focus "Operational Competence Management in Demographic Change", 18.02.2016, Hildesheim.


Biehler, R., Hochmuth, R., Schaper, N., Colberg, C., Decius, J., & Liebendörfer, M. (2015). Verbund WiGeMath – Wirkung und Gelingensbedingungen von Unterstützungsmaßnahmen für mathematikbezogenes Lernen in der Studieneingangsphase [Alliance WiGeMathImpact and conditions for success of support activities for mathematics-related learning in the introductory phase of studies]. Paper presented at the kick-off event of the coordination office of accompanying research for "Qualitätspakt Lehre", 06.10.2015, Berlin.

Decius, J. (2015). Welchen Einfluss hat die Persönlichkeit auf den individuellen sportlichen Erfolg eines Profifußballspielers? [What influence does personality have on the individual success of a professional soccer player?]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the dvs Commission on Soccer "Football 4.0 – Hightech in Training, Competition and Education", 20.11.2015, Erlangen.