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Section: FB1
bluessem O 2120 -62610 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael J. Vellekoop mvellekoop O 2140 -62604 Prof. Dr.-Ing. WalterLang emeritus wlang
protect me ?! .de Prof. Dr.-Ing. WalterLang IMSAS, NW1, Raum O2120 Tel: +49 421 218 62602 E-mail: wlang protect me ?! imsas.uni-bremen protect me ?! .de back to projects group Lang [...] integrated measurements and on optical measurement procedures. The project leaders are Professor WalterLang and Professor Gert Goch. Official website Prozessignaturen IMSAS project: SP C04 – In situ measurement
+49 421 218 62639 E-mail: Trijk protect me ?! imsas.uni-bremen protect me ?! .de Prof. Dr.-Ing. WalterLang Universität Bremen IMSAS, NW1, Room O2120 Tel.: +49 421 218 62602 E-mail: wlangimsas.uni-bremen [...] Economics and Technology based on a decision of the German Bundestag. back to research projects group Lang
these sensors change the macroscopic behavior of the structural element. Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. WalterLang IMSAS, NW1, Raum O2120 Tel: +49 421 218 62602 E-mail: wlang protect me ?! imsas.uni-bremen protect [...] Brückenstellen in die Post-Doc Phase“ beginningin March 2016 for two years. back to projects group Lang
increased pressure. This yields information about the rate of leakage. Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. WalterLang IMSAS, NW1, Raum O2120 Tel: +49 421 218 62602 E-mail: wlang protect me ?! imsas.uni-bremen protect [...] Cooperation of Industrial Research Institutions “Otto von Guericke” e.V (AiF). back to projects group Lang
421 218 62599 E-mail: JArreola protect me ?! imsas.uni-bremen protect me ?! .de Prof. . Dr.-Ing. WalterLang Universität Bremen IMSAS , NW 1, Room O2120 Tel. : +49 421 218 62602 E-mail: wlang protect me [...] Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). Project number is ZF4176709JR9. back to research group Lang
218 62642 E-mail: fberkemeyer protect me ?! imsas.uni-bremen protect me ?! .de Prof.. Dr.-Ing. WalterLang Universität Bremen IMSAS, NW1, Room O2120 Tel.: +49 421 218 62602 E-mail: wlang protect me ?! imsas [...] de/ZIM/Navigation/DE/Foerderangebote/Kooperationsprojekte/kooperationsprojekte.html back to research group Lang
Dr.-Ing. WalterLang Universität Bremen IMSAS , NW 1, Room O2120 phone. : +49 421 218 62602 E-mail: wlang protect me ?! imsas.uni-bremen protect me ?! .de back to Research Projects group Lang
421 218 62 618 E-mail: mhuebner protect me ?! imsas.uni-bremen protect me ?! .de Prof. Dr.-Ing. WalterLang IMSAS, NW1, Room O2120 Tel: +49 421 218 62602 E-mail: wlang protect me ?! imsas.uni-bremen protect [...] is funded by the DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft from 2015 until 2018. back to projects group Lang