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Physics more © uni-bremen Prof. Dr. Klaus Pawelzik Theoretical Bio- and Neurophysics more © Lukas Klose / Uni Bremen Prof. Dr. Michael Sentef Light-Matter Control of Quantum Materials more Emeritus Professors
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GPG-key © Privat Dr. Carlos Raúl Medrano Postdoc Room: TAB 3.14 Tel: +49 421 218 62337 Email © Lukas Klose Prof. Dr. Michael Sentef Group leader Room: TAB 3.15 & NW1 O3070 Tel: +49 421 218 62039 Email more
understanding and prediction models for the rapidly increasing warming in the Arctic. more © Lukas Klose / University of Bremen ERC Success Streak Continues with Consolidator Grant in Physics (11.2023) Physics [...] grants this year and has been successful in all funding lines of the ERC competition. more © Lukas Klose / Universität Bremen Tram Measures Bremen’s Air Pollution (11.2023) Where exactly in Bremen is the