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via this form . Master Board of Examiners Prof. Dr. Dagmar Borchers (Chairwoman) Prof. Dr. Andre Heinemann (Vice Chairman) Prof. Dr. Frank Nullmeier Dr. Tanja Pritzlaff (Research Assistant) Timo Peters (Student
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note for exams Master Board of Examiners Prof. Dr. Christian Cordes (Chairman) Prof. Dr. André W. Heinemann (Vice Chairman) Prof. Dr. Christoph Burmann (Professor) Prof. Dr. Jörg Freiling (Deputy Professor)
for exams Bachelor Board of Examiners Prof. Dr. Christian Cordes (Chairman) Prof. Dr. André W. Heinemann (Vice Chairman) Prof. Dr. Christoph Burmann (Professor) Prof. Dr. Jörg Freiling (Deputy Professor)
uni-bremen protect me ?! .de Board of examiners Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. M. Gessler (Chairman) Prof. Dr. A. Heinemann Prof. Dr. Ch. Palentien Prof. Dr. N. Rose (Substitute) Prof. Dr. Y. Karakasoglu (Substitute) Prof