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habil. Lutz Mädler 04-M09-AM-P-1902 (WiSe only) Analyse von Protein-stabilisierten Emulsionen Analysis of protein-stabilized emulsions Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Udo Fritsching 04-M09-AM-P-1904 (WiSe only) Erkennen [...] 04-26-KF-002 (SuSe only) Partikeltechnologie Particle Technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lutz Mädler 04-M09-AM-P-1901 (WiSe only) Inbetriebnahme eines Multiphasen-Rohrströmungs-Experiments Start up of al multiphase [...] detection of particles in a flow Dr.rer.nat. Kerstin Avila Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Udo Fritsching 04-M09-AM-P-1951 (SuSe only) Vertropfen fettbasierter Suspension am Tropfengenerator Single droplet generation
Section: FB4
Mädler 04-M09-AM-P-1901 (WiSe only) Inbetriebnahme eines Multiphasen-Rohrströmungs-Experiments Start up of al multiphase pipe flow experiment Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Udo Fritsching 04-M09-AM-P-1902 (WiSe only) [...] 04-M09-AM-P-1904 (WiSe only) Erkennen von Partikeln in einer Strömung in Echtzeit Real time detection of particles in a flow Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Udo Fritsching Dr.rer.nat. Kerstin Avila 04-M09-AM-P-1951
Study Center The Study Centre is a departmental facility and the contact point for all students in matters of study planning and examination regulations. Mechanical engineering & process engineering,
Study Center Mechanical engineering & process engineering, production engineering, systems engineering © Matej Meza/Universität Bremen Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Bruns FZB, Raum 2200 Phone: +49 (0)421 218-6
Faculty 04: Production Engineering - Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering Aktuelle News, Hintergründe & Videos aus dem Fachbereich Produktionstechnik The University of Bremen is entering the
Attempts Bachelor & Master If you do not pass an exam or fail to appear after registering, you have four semesters in which you can retake the exam in question (in order to the general examination reg
Deadlines for registration and deregistration Bachelor & Master The regular period for registering to take exams in the winter semester usually begins on December 10 and ends on January 10 of the foll
Student outgoings Hello World © Matej Meza An experience abroad is a great opportunity to develop personally and professionally, broaden your horizons and develop linguistic and intercultural skills!
Staff Head of Research Group © Universität Bremen - Umweltverfahrenstechnik Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sven Kerzenmacher Head of Research Group UFT 0130 Tel.: ++ 49 421-218 63331 kerzenmacher protect me ?!
Publications 2024 Kuhlmann, K., Möller, F., Sinn, C., Bösing, I., & Thöming, J. (2024). Heat transport regimes in structured reactors: CFD analysis and influence of reactor diameter and length. Result