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Administrative Unit 04 - Equal Opportunities & Diversity Welcome to the joint website of the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Units. Together with the Office against Discrimination and Violence - Exp
Section: Referate
Strategies The University of Bremen is working ‘on reliable structures, practices, and attitudes that support diversity and are anti-discriminatory. Together, we are creating an inclusive university w
Further Information Do you still have questions or would like to look into a specific topic in more detail? On these pages you will find further information on equal opportunities, diversity and anti-
About us As the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Units, we form the Equal Opportunities/Anti-discrimination Unit (04) at the University of Bremen together with the Unit against Discrimination and Vio
Our Services The services of the ADE are available to all employees, supervisors, staff council, students, and trainees of the public universities (University of Bremen, Bremen University of Applied S
Strenghten your mental health Topics, Tipps and Tools On this page the workplace health management team provides you with a series of workshops, researched knowledge and useful tools. Furthermore, the
Program navigare – Career Coaching is designed for women, trans, inter, and non binary researchers considering a career in science. Within the program, our main objective is to support you formulate y
navigare - Career Coaching Planning a scientific career in an international context Intensive research and teaching, collaboration with international partners from different disciplines, and a vivid,
Workshops At the moment, there are no further workshops planned, as the current program period of perspektive promotion ends on 31.07.2024. We will keep you updated on the perspektive promotion websit
Networking With perspektive promotion , we promote networking, interaction and self-organization among female* doctoral researchers. After all, pursuing a doctorate predominantly means working in isol